If I had it all again, I'd change it all

Aug 15, 2009 16:11

Grading papers sucks. Tests, Kat can give to a graduate student with a key, but lab writeups and papers, she doesn't trust grad students with. So she's currently curled up in the coffee shop, reading over the idiotic drivel her students come up with. It's all factual, but it's all missing something. Still, she really can't fault them. No one understands the subtleties of the science like she does. Of course, she has to play just as dumb herself sometimes. She really hopes that in fifty years or so, someone will have a brilliant breakthrough and people can come that much closer to understanding subatomic structure.

It's hard to focus on the papers; she keeps checking back on her journal. It's tucked into her grade book, a ratty-looking graph ruled bound notebook. She deserves a vacation, and maybe this will help fund it. She almost just wants to dump a letter of resignation at the Dean's feet, but appearances must be kept. It would be highly questionable where all of that money came from. So for now, she just keeps her modest house and her not-exactly-modest, but not-nearly-paid-enough job.

avery campbell, katherine kirschenbaum

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