I'll drink whiskey instead of water...

Jul 28, 2009 08:48

[[Timelines for this post are a bit wibbly-wobbly, but continuity is overrated, anyway.]]

Gene Hunt is wandering the halls of the Kashtta Tower, trying to hunt down someone going by the name of Luke. Becky said he needed looking after, so Gene's planning on doing just that. And first thing is talking to the lad.

Of course, if someone else has something for him to do, he'd be more than happy to look into it. He's got far too little to do around here.

Also in the Kashtta, there's a sleepy and unhappy-looking Ianto sitting in the lounge with a mug of coffee and a distinctly unsettled expression. He's been having dreams these past few nights. Bad ones. Ones where he...

...He's not going to think about those dreams. He'll be fine.

Ianto isn't the only one having strange dreams, though. At the Main Gauche, Amber has been having dreams about Mr. Flagg that've only grown more insistent as time passed. She's still sleeping, her face flushed, breathing rapid, twisting and turning in bed. Whatever she's dreaming of, it's certainly... intense.

Of course, she has no way of knowing that those dreams aren't her own subconscious at work, but something a bit more sinister.

Also at the Gauche, Eric is packing. Duty calls, and really, he could use a chance to get out of the city for a while. The problem with a truce is that calling attention to himself is right out, and that leaves most of his usual entertainments out of the question. A new hunting ground will do him good, at least for a while.

The door's open, though, just in case anyone wants to drop by while he's packing.

And, in the courtyard, Indy has her iPod hooked up to a set of speakers, and is engaging in her non-scrum-related workout. This involves stompy German industrial music which is blaring at a relatively loud volume (hey, the rooms are insulated well enough she's pretty sure it won't disturb anyone who's still sleeping), roller skates, and some weird combination of dance and gymnastics. Yes, while on roller skates. It might be best not to ask.

Or, you know, you could. Indy likes people, and wouldn't mind a chance to take a break.

At the Conrad Hotel, Elena is, for once, not beating up a defenseless punching bag. She is, in fact, hanging out in the Rift room, watching some music show or another on a Spanish-language channel, pizza in hand.

Hey, someone's got to watch the Rift, and even archangels could use a chance to relax every so often. At random intervals, loud Spanish commentary may be heard, critiquing someone's masculinity, or someone else's choice of outfit for a music video.

Elsewhere, John Smith has just been accepted for a teaching position at Looney High, and is practically beaming as he makes his way down the street. He has a job. A real, proper job as a teacher. What could be better?

Granted, the pay's not the best, but it's a job he loves, and he'll be in a far better position to support his bride-to-be.

...Not that she needs supporting. Logically, John knows this. It's a different time, and women are more than capable of providing for themselves... But his admittedly old-fashioned sensibilities aren't quite so easy to banish, and it's quite a relief, knowing that he's going to be steadily employed.

WARNING: 18+. The Flagg/Amber thread contains explicit and NONCONSENSUAL sexual content which would be considered HIGHLY OFFENSIVE by most sane persons. If you can be triggered, you probably WILL be. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

nagi naoe, piper paxton, eric delaflote, babel, ianto jones, luke roberts, sam tyler, john smith, dmitri lang, randall flagg, indigo jones, gene hunt, elena guerrero, amber erin mckeenan, jack bristow

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