I Dreamed I Saw Eleven Stars

Jun 24, 2009 21:55

Nagi is always cranky after he gets out of class at Looney High, but he smooths out to mildly irritated as he takes a couple side trips on his way back to the Gauche. He's nearly committed enough petty theft to be able to afford his computer. It makes him more willing to buy the little things he's been needing. When he gets back to the Gauche he ( Read more... )

sakura martinez, trinity mcfasater, nagi naoe, victor van dort, babel, jennifer rose stanton, doc brown, christopher yule, adrian vela

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Comments 94

allmydiredreams June 26 2009, 03:27:45 UTC
Babel's out in the courtyard, halfway up a tree, when she notices Nagi making origami animals. With his brain. Kind of. Neat!

So she scoots along a branch until she's a little closer to being above him, though stops before the tree branch starts bending too far downward, and then hooks her knees around the branch and flops downward.

"Can you make giraffes?" she asks.


killwithmymind June 26 2009, 03:49:52 UTC
If Nagi hadn't noticed her before, he definitely notices her when she starts moving, so he isn't surprised by the random upside-down girl. Well, he might be somewhat bemused by the upside-down part, but he more or less hides it.

"Maybe, but I have the wrong paper for it." The floral stuff was on sale, so that's what Nagi got. For some reason giraffes aren't allowed to have pink flowers all over them according to Nagi.


allmydiredreams June 26 2009, 04:02:43 UTC
Babel eyes the paper he has next to him. "What's wrong with the purple flowers?" she asks, but before he can answer she's hauled herself back up and tightwalked along the branch to where she'd tied her messenger bag to the base of another branch earlier. "I have other paper," she explains from the depths of the branches.

She returns a moment later and plops down with no apparent regard for gravity, miraculously still staying on the branch, and starts digging through the messenger bag. "Still think the purples would be okay," she mutters, "since all I have is this." She shows him a notebook full of black paper with white lines, the kind manufactured for middle schoolers who've just discovered gel pens. "And my journal. I wonder what would happen if you made a giraffe out of psychic paper?"

Now she's mostly babbling to herself, Nagi. Sorry. This sort of thing happens quite frequently.


killwithmymind June 26 2009, 04:19:28 UTC
Nagi has a strange track record with crazy girls. For one, he tends to think they're kind of cute. For two, so far Babel seems pretty coherent compared to people he's known before.

"Sure, I could use the black stuff." Nagi takes the notebook and tears out a sheet of paper. "What's your journal paper look like? 'Cuz I'm willing to try it if the paper will work."

Nagi starts folding the paper so he can square it off to work with it.


omnomnomface June 26 2009, 04:06:06 UTC
Trin pretty much bounces into the Gauche courtyard and sees this guy with a bunch of paper.

"DUDE PAPER THAT'S SO AWESOME ARE YOU DOING ORIGAMI?" She runs up behind Nagi excitedly. "Freshman year, that's back when I was still in school, we learned how to make hearts do you know how to do that? I've kind of forgotten."

That's actually a decent introduction for Trin. Be happy she hasn't pulled out the massive back scar yet.


killwithmymind June 26 2009, 04:22:35 UTC
Nagi blinks at her a few times. "You're loud."

Nagi has his hand out flat with a piece of paper hovering just above his palm. Now it spins around with no apparently help from Nagi and folds itself into the heart design that Nagi knows. "Do you mean this kind? I've seen a few ways to do them."


omnomnomface June 27 2009, 02:58:29 UTC
Trin giggles. "That's what my teachers at school said."

Her jaw drops when she watches the heart fold itself. "You're not touching it!!!!" she yells at the top of her lungs. "Oh my god that is so fucking badass! Ahhh!" She squeals excitedly.

Because, um, yes. That is just how she rolls.


killwithmymind June 27 2009, 09:56:12 UTC
Nagi's ego sort of appreciates Trin's loudness. He always thought that whole flowershop-fangirl gig was a form of torture, but Nagi can kind of see the good side to it. He might even see it as a good side for more than two minutes. Maybe.

Of course, the rest of Nagi is just kind of blink, blink. "Um, you can have it if you want?"


crimeatthetime June 26 2009, 07:46:13 UTC
Even though he's not feeling particularly sociable, here's Adrian, appearing in the lounge with his hands tucked into the pockets of the black hoodie he's been wearing since his poor leather jacket got destroyed. He leans into the room without actually entering, because as long as he's not inside it's clear he's not planning on staying.

But it would be rude to just ignore the note. "Hello?"


feelmymusic June 26 2009, 08:01:01 UTC
Sakura is happily sprawled on the couch with her feet up on a table. She's got popcorn-in-a-bag, and she's got Johnny Depp on screen saying some lines from a terrible play. "Oh hey! The movie's only just starting, so you haven't missed much. Popcorn's still warm, too."

Sakura just happens to be sitting so there's lots of room on the couch to her right. This might be coincidince or it might be Sakura thinking that fake butter shouldn't mix with bandages or open wounds, so the popcorn should be on Adrian's left. Either way, it works.


crimeatthetime June 28 2009, 00:49:06 UTC
"Ah..." Movies. He's not really a fan of movies in general. Just some old-fashioned hangover From His Youth, really, and the fact that while theaters are great to hide in, they are not great in any other respect. They are sticky and crowded and dark, and it's easy for someone to slip up behind you while your attention is on the screen and stick a knife between your ribs.

He should know. He's done it before. "What is this?"


feelmymusic June 28 2009, 09:28:42 UTC
Fortunately, the lounge is well lit and Sakura's the only one in it at the moment. Movies are great for mentally hiding from problems though!

"It's Ed Wood. It's a great movie about a man who made terrible films and crossdressed. I figured on watching one of his bad movies next since having the context of the filming makes it even funnier."


clockwork_doc June 27 2009, 00:26:03 UTC
When Topher arrives back at the Conrad, he may spy Doc hanging around the construction site, tooling around with a power saw. He's working on making it perform better -- hey, he has the skills, so why not use them? He's fiddling with the thing, figuring out how it works --

When he cuts himself on the blade by accident. "Ouch! Damn it!"

Perhaps cutting yourself, even accidentally, in front of a vampire isn't the best idea -- but given Doc's blood looks more like rusty tapwater than actual blood, he probably has nothing to worry about.


livemyowndeath June 27 2009, 19:34:33 UTC
Topher decided not long after becoming a vampire that any cries of pain would result in him heading away from the source, preferably before he smells blood. So Topher isn't going to see what Doc's blood looks like at all. He's going to be walking that much faster towards the room he's been helping paint, and he'll tell the first angel he sees that he thinks someone got hurt back thataway. The angels, at least, will completely understand why he's headed away from injuries.


clockwork_doc June 27 2009, 19:58:04 UTC
Doc hisses a little as he examines the cut. It's not deep, really, he more or less just scratched the surface of the blade, but it's still bleeding and it stings. He puts his other hand on it, applying a bit of compression to help stop the flow.

He notices the young man quickly walking by and calls after him, "Do you know if they have any bandages up here?" He figures they do, he just doesn't know where. And it's a bit awkward to look with one hand bleeding.


livemyowndeath June 27 2009, 20:06:52 UTC
Sorry, no answer. Topher isn't breathing at the moment, even if he was willing to risk stopping. And he's not.

For that matter, he also isn't totally sure where the first aid station is.


deadgirlsliekme June 27 2009, 00:29:56 UTC
Remember that weird skinny fellow who asked you where he could find a piano, Nagi? He's in the garden now too, on a mission. He has a jar -- probably nicked from one of the supply rooms -- and he's stalking something fluttering by. He's half-crouched, body stiff, eyes intent on his prey.

Behold, the great butterfly hunter.


killwithmymind June 27 2009, 19:36:38 UTC
Nagi rolls his eyes and wonders why everyone has to be in the garden today, damn it. No, he's not starting a conversation with Victor. He wants Victor to go away.

Although Victor might notice that there's something of a circle around Nagi. Closer to Nagi, there are origami creatures. Further out, it looks more like confetti. Nagi's not so good at combining delicate control with distance.


deadgirlsliekme June 27 2009, 20:02:38 UTC
Well, it's nice out. And Victor doesn't even notice you at the moment, Nagi. He's intent on his butterfly. He moves slowly, careful not to startle the creature as it alights on a nearby leaf. Just a bit closer --

He quickly covers the tiny thing with the mouth of the jar and clamps the other hand, holding the lid, under it. The butterfly takes off from the leaf, only to find its way blocked by glass. Victor carefully pulls the jar and lid away from the leaf, then screws the lid on tight. He turns it right-side up and grins at his find. Perfect. Now all he has to do is take back to his sketchbook and book thataway and --

This is when he notices the paper and animals floating around. He stops and stares for a moment, blinking. "Huh."


killwithmymind June 27 2009, 20:12:28 UTC
Nagi's attention is mostly off of Victor already. There's a small part of his mind that is tracking Victor in case he turns out to be a threat, but most of his attention is on the piece of paper that's about a yard away from him. He should be able to get a crane at this range.

Also, the only one floating is the one that Nagi is currently working with. The rest of them are wherever they've landed or been blown by the breeze.


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