In a town in the woods at the top of a hill, there's a house where no one lives [Locked]

May 08, 2009 03:41

There's a girl in Grant Park, sitting with her eyes closed near the spot where the first CLF members died. She shivers, hugging her legs and dragging the battered knapsack at her side a little closer.

She really shouldn't be here. She should have just gone straight to the bus station, but something drew her back to this spot. If she's going to leave Chicago, she feels the need to say goodbye, somehow. Or make peace, though there's none really to be had. She doesn't even know the victims' names.

Ruvin rests her head on her knees and stares into space. She has her awareness spread thinly around her to feel the approach of anyone who happens nearby.

the doctor (ten), !tardis, ruvin

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