dangerous places

May 05, 2009 19:39

[Pretend this was posted a few hours ago during school hours >> Also, Boogie's tags will be a little sporadic until she's done with her monstrous work load.]

Soul Eater and Maka are standing just outside the Chicago Public Library, and their way is being blocked by a tall, angry-looking truant officer. Soul and Maka don't look all that happy.

"Look, we don't go to school here," Soul growls. "We're tourists."

"You're going to have to lie better than that, punk," the cop says, sweeping a disdainful glance over Soul's hair.

Over at The High School, Bean is having a little more luck skipping out of her classes. She's sitting outside one of the buildings in a small, hidden alcove, and Potato is sitting next to her, silent. Bean is crying quietly and holding a handful of her drawings, which have been ripped into pieces.

Meanwhile, Ace is stepping out of a Home Depot and shoving two freshly purchased bags of pesticide into a backpack. She's smirking a little to herself as she starts heading for the nearest bus stop. It has been far too long since she built a proper bomb.

sarah tapper, dev and ace caulfield, gray raines, zoe mallory, maka albarn, elizabeth jules, soul eater evans, isabelle kozlov

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