Somebody knows, somebody's seen. Somebody knows right where you've been.

Apr 28, 2009 01:58

Sark is in a tree.

Yes, you read that right. This would make a great deal of sense if he were a ferret and some sense if he were a tiger, but, at the present moment, he is a person. In a tree.

No, he really doesn't want to talk about it, but he suspects he's going to have to. Apparently, he was taking a walk through the park, contemplating whimsy ( Read more... )

andy mackenzie, john casey, julian sark, the vesmier, katja korolenko*, cy, ragnar, suzie costello, marshall flinkman, jamal malik, dmitri lang, abby maitland, sydney bristow, rachel conway, jack bristow

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the_vesmier April 28 2009, 15:07:12 UTC
The Vesmier is out for a walk, risky as it may be, but he hasn't been disturbed by the CLF recently and there are a dearth of things in this city which can occupy his attention. The TARDIS has wandered off and he's intending to track her down to see about going through her library of reading materials, when he finds...

Sark. In a tree.

...well, this is at least somewhat familiar, even though the last time, if memory serves, it was April up in branches. Which might serve as an explanation for how Sark found himself in a similar state.

He pauses under the tree, folding his hands into his sleeves and directing an inquisitive glance upward. "Mr. Sark."


sarkraticmethod April 28 2009, 19:59:28 UTC
...Oh, this is perfect.

"Vesmier," he replies, keeping his tone even, despite the fact that it's occupying all of his attention to balance on this tree branch and not... Fall to his death. As far as ways to die go, that one's not high on his list.

He shifts, still working on getting down. "There is a perfectly logical explanation for this."

Because he's sure the Vesmier would care if there wasn't, except for the part where he probably wouldn't.


the_vesmier April 28 2009, 20:06:09 UTC
The Vesmier is very good at hiding his amusement. There's only a hint on his face.

"Those I know who seem to favor arboreal vantages rarely seem to require one," he says. "Though you seem less at ease there than either April or the Doctor."

He'd offer to help Sark down, but... he's the Vesmier. Knowing how to get into and out of trees does not exactly come with the territory.


sarkraticmethod April 28 2009, 20:20:19 UTC
"It was never anything I found to be particularly advantageous," he mutters, which is sort of an answer. "I was informed that there was some appeal in it, so I thought I'd see for myself." First his left foot, right behind the other, and... Ha! Well, that's one branch conquered, although with the side effect of getting smacked in the head with the branch above him. He grimaces and glowers at the branch with a hatred reserved for people, not the local flora.

"However, as far as attempts to invoke more whimsy in my life go, I'm finding that this was hardly the best choice." Maybe he should get that sign Dmitri mentioned... Or maybe he should just shoot himself in the face and save himself some trouble.


the_vesmier April 28 2009, 20:27:20 UTC
Well, suddenly that places everything in a subtly different light.

"Whimsy," he muses. "The Doctor of my own universe frequently encouraged the pursuit of whimsy in my life." He pauses to consider that. "His attempts were less than effective; but then, I was never convinced as to the worth or need."

The Doctor would have paid money to see the Vesmier climb a tree. Not that paying money is that apt a metaphor, but he would have been thrilled.


sarkraticmethod April 28 2009, 21:41:54 UTC
"I'm still not entirely convinced." He fumbles for the next branch, misjudges how much weight it can support and drops a bit when it cracks. Thankfully the next branch is there to catch him by the solar plexus. He wheezes uncomfortably and clambers awkwardly up on top of the branch so he's not just dangling there like an idiot.

"And, honestly, the lack of success in this particular endeavor isn't helping." Right. He looks down, tries to figure out which branch is not going to lead to his demise, and swears that the next time he sees Dmitri he's going to tell her that her strategies are defective.

...Of course, if he's looking at it like a strategy that's all kinds of DOING IT WRONG.


the_vesmier April 29 2009, 02:36:57 UTC
The Vesmier takes 30% of a step backward when the branch cracks, eyeing the tree as though it's about to turn dangerous. "Would you... prefer if I sought assistance for you?" he asks. Obviously April's approach to getting out of trees - with great gymnastic acumen and carefree abandon - isn't going to work here, and Sark looks to be in some distress.

Either April or the Doctor must be in psychic range. And if neither of them are... well. He's sure there are channels to address this sort of thing. Somehow.


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 03:11:00 UTC
"I think that's unnecessary," Sark drawls. The best way to make sure this situation gets painfully more out of control than he wants it to be is if he has to get dragged out of a tree like someone's housepet. He'll shift into a ferret and risk the shift causing him to fall before that happens.

And to prove this, he swings his other leg around the other side of the branch he's wrapped around, grabs hold of the nearest branch above him for balance and rather awkwardly plants himself on it, keeping a hold of the other branch in case this one cracks, but it manages to hold steady.

"Besides, I believe I've suffered far worst than trees in my time, anyway." He's climbed mountains for God's sake. This is a tree. It can't be that difficult.

...Okay, now where's the next branch?


the_vesmier April 29 2009, 03:36:10 UTC
"So long as you're confident," Ves says. Not that he seems terribly confident, but he'll probably ask for help if he really does need it. Right?

He shifts, moving to a spot which seems to threaten falling branches a bit less. Whether or not he can help Sark down, he feels as though he should at least keep an eye on him in case he does fall out of the tree and needs assistance called.

He tilts his head. "Would descent not be a simple matter of rendering your ascent in reverse?" he asks. That'd make sense, wouldn't it?


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 04:19:50 UTC
"You'd think that, wouldn't you?" Sark responds, only mildly sarcastic, as he fumbles for the next branch. There are some people he doesn't feel comfortable using the full extent of his vitrolic nature on- Ves is several of them.

"But if it were that easy, I suppose local fire departments wouldn't earn their paychecks by rescuing kittens." His footing finds a branch close enough to the ground and he grabs it tightly with both hands and swings out, landing nimbly on the ground. "There," he mutters, more to himself, than to Ves. "No harm done."

Besides his pride, but his pride is in a general state of disrepair. He'll get over it.


the_vesmier April 29 2009, 16:24:49 UTC
"That does seem to be the favored method," the Vesmier says, relaxing imperceptibly. "At least, April made her descent in a much similar fashion."

Except from higher up, and all at once.

He makes a small gesture from inside his sleeve, now that the issue of the tree seems to have been dispensed with. "I was intending to find the TARDIS," he says. "Pursue some reading. I don't suppose you've seen her?" He did ping for her, and got a ping back, but the location seemed... unlikely, somehow. It's possible she's playing with some distortion in physics or other that'd make it difficult to locate her psychically. Unless she really is somewhere in the middle of the lake.


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 19:13:14 UTC
Sark busies himself with making sure there aren't any sticks or leaves in his hair and frowns at the question. "I can't say that I have." Although, he's, uh, been avoiding ever seeing the TARDIS. Months later, there's still a long list of people he'd prefer to casually avoid since Thane because they might hold grudges. The TARDIS... Is one of them. He really doesn't want to find out that the cheerful, little sentient time-and-spacecraft wants to hurt him. He's not entirely optimistic about anyone, least of all the TARDIS, forgetting that little matter, even though he was really, really sorry about it.

His hair in slightly more disrepair than it normally is, but now at least twig-free, he moves on the dusting the dirt off of his clothes. "Although, April does spend a considerable amount of time in the TARDIS's company. Have you asked her?"


the_vesmier April 29 2009, 22:31:44 UTC
The cheerful little sentient time-and-spacecraft would probably wind up in a lot of confusion if she did want to hurt him, given April's feelings on the matter. And speaking of April...

The Vesmier doesn't react in any noticable way, but he does say "I actually haven't seen April recently. I imagine she must be occupying herself about the city." In that way that humans and people named the Doctor do. Apparently staying in one place and performing one task is for politically minded Gallifreyans and few others.


sarkraticmethod April 30 2009, 00:21:52 UTC
"She does tend to do that." And he'd be lying if he said that didn't worry him, but, well, April is more capable than he is and that would bother him if, uh, it were anyone other than April. As it stands, it just makes him feel a little bit incompetent in comparison, but... Lots of things do that.

There's a small silence that follows, which clearly indicates that the conversation is over and the two of them can part ways and waste no more words of idle conversation. The Rift, however, does not think that this conversation is over. The Rift is, in the immortal words of Bonnie Raitt, going to give them somethin' to talk about.

About ten feet away, a Rift opens up and suddenly There is a... THING where there was no thing before. It is roughly the size of an elephant and looks like some cunning geneticist decided to combine a sabretooth tiger and a moose. It's a bit disoriented at the moment, but it's recovering remarkably well for something that just got dropped into another world ( ... )


the_vesmier April 30 2009, 17:22:10 UTC
...the look on the Vesmier's face, for once, is something other than pure neutrality.

Somehow, in the amount of wandering around the city he's done, he's managed to to run into giant monsters before now. The worst he's really encountered were a few CLF goons and a snowball fight, neither of which prepares him for sabretoothed mooselions.

"..." he says, quite eloquently, under the circumstances and he tries to think of what he's supposed to do here. The options seem to be falling between "Usually if there's danger I just run quite fast and hope to get something between me and it" and "-of course, wild animals, now; those are a very bad idea to run from," and the next time he sees the Doctor who gave him those particular pieces of advice, he's going to spare no effort in telling him that his approach to crises leaves a remarkable amount to be desired.

For the moment, however, there's a disoriented mooselion.



sarkraticmethod May 1 2009, 01:27:12 UTC
Sark, thankfully, has dealt with Riftmonsters before, but, uh, that spiny thing he had to rescue that girl whose name he can't be buggered to remember was significantly smaller. And Sark doesn't exactly carry sniper rifles on him- he has his Kimber.

Sark's first thought is that there is safety in trees... Of course, that thing looks big enough to topple a tree, so that would be a waste of effort. Running would be a nice option, but probably not a very smart thing to do. Generally speaking, the best thing to do in this sort of situation is to stand perfectly still and hope it... Just walks away and ignores you.

Sark gets his gun out his back pocket, just in case. He doubts it's going to do much good, but it's a comfort thing.

The mooselion, for its part, is very confused. It was tending to its baby and then suddenly it wasn't where it was supposed to be... And now it's baby is gone. This makes mama very angry and she's looking for something to hurtOh look, two tiny human-shaped things. Human-shaped things hunt her kind. They ( ... )


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