Somebody knows, somebody's seen. Somebody knows right where you've been.

Apr 28, 2009 01:58

Sark is in a tree.

Yes, you read that right. This would make a great deal of sense if he were a ferret and some sense if he were a tiger, but, at the present moment, he is a person. In a tree.

No, he really doesn't want to talk about it, but he suspects he's going to have to. Apparently, he was taking a walk through the park, contemplating whimsy ( Read more... )

andy mackenzie, john casey, julian sark, the vesmier, katja korolenko*, cy, ragnar, suzie costello, marshall flinkman, jamal malik, dmitri lang, abby maitland, sydney bristow, rachel conway, jack bristow

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cyfor April 28 2009, 08:12:54 UTC
Cy is below a tree.

Specifically, she is below Sark's tree, gazing up at him with goldenrod eyes. "You're stuck."

Without saying anything else, she digs her claws into the bark of the tree and shimmies up nearly as quick as a squirrel, though she almost loses her grip near the top. She perches on a branch just out of reach and tilts her head at him. "Why're you stuck?"


sarkraticmethod April 28 2009, 08:25:21 UTC
"I am not stuck." The response comes before Sark really registers who is making that observation and when he looks down and notes that it's Cy, he just rolls his eyes and works on trying to get back down just to spite her.

...Except now there is a Cy in a tree. He glowers at her. "I'm not stuck."

He can get down anytime he wants! Just watch him! He proceeds to demonstrate this... Or proceeds to attempt to do this, but very nearly loses his balance- thank God, for good reflexes.

As far as ideas go, this wasn't really the best. He continues to blame Dmitri.


cyfor April 28 2009, 08:41:28 UTC
She watches him with interest, mimicking his not-quite-flaily attempts to get down from the tree, and then resettling on her branch as he stops trying.

"You're stuck," she says, and from anyone else the delight would sound malicious. As it is, it just sounds like Cy. She jumps down to a lower branch, almost falls off, and then digs her claws in. "I'm better at trees than you."


sarkraticmethod April 28 2009, 08:57:42 UTC
Sark continues to glare at her and wonders if it's wrong to push a cat out of a tree when the cat deserves it. She'll probably land on her feet. He decides against it, because he has enough problems without becoming 'the bastard who pushed a cat out of a tree.'

"Forgive me for stating the obvious, but you're a cat."

And so is he... Sometimes. He's pretty sure being a tiger would not make this tree easier to climb down.


cyfor April 28 2009, 23:34:54 UTC
"Is it wrong to push a people? I can be a people."

She skips along the branch until she's closer to the tree. "Thuuuuu. Mmmmm. Ssss?"

And now there is a weird naked girl sitting on the branch and looking pleased with herself.


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 01:31:55 UTC
If Sark is perturbed by the naked girl in the tree, he shows no sign of it. In fact, all he really does is give her a dark look and then proceed to move around a bit and focus on trying to get down, all while ignoring her.

...One day he's positive that ignoring Cy will actually work and make her go away.


cyfor April 29 2009, 04:43:12 UTC
No, it just makes her more annoying. She hates being ignored.

Cy snaps a twig off of her branch and throws it at his head. And then strips some new leaves off of another branch and sprinkles them at him. "Jujubeans, why are you in a tree?"


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 06:04:08 UTC
In hindsight, Sark should have expected that. Thankfully, his head is covered in a protective layer of thick, fluffy blonde hair, so it's not like it hurt, but as he rather likes his hair twig-and-leaf-free, he has to turn and face her, glowering.

"That is none of your concern." Right, because that's a tactic that has also worked in the past. He drops down onto a lower branch, figuring if she's going to insist on being naked and human, she'll have a harder time following him... And, of course, she could just turn back into a cat and follow him, but... Occam's Razor... Or something.

Sark doesn't care. He just wants out of the tree and away from the crazy kitty.


cyfor April 29 2009, 06:38:03 UTC
"Birds and bees swinging from the trees, k-i-s-s-i-n-geez?" She drops down onto the next branch, grabs another with both hands, and dangles her whole weight from it. Granted, that isn't much, but the branch gives an ominous groan and a crack. She squeaks and grabs onto the nearest solid object.

Which just so happens to be Sark.


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 06:56:12 UTC
...Oh bloody-

Sark normally has inhuman balance and a certain amount of grace, but the shock of having a small, naked personage lunging at him is a bit too much for anyone, least of all him, so... It's probably a good thing they weren't that far from the ground.

It... Still hurts. Like a lot.

Sark groans and contemplates the view of the treetop from his back on the ground, noting that Cy is currently on top of him, and and makes a great effort to shove her off with no degree of delicacy, despite the fact that his head is spinning.

"Are you always this irritating or am I special case?"

He's pretty sure he's asked her that before, but he has a potential head injury. He cannot be blamed.


cyfor April 29 2009, 07:02:13 UTC
For her part, she huddles up against the tree, curled around her knees and clinging to her foot, which hit something hard on the way down. It hurts. The fact that she is clinging to it doesn't help it not hurt, but she doesn't really care, just shivers and clings and curls into a fluffy-haired ball of misery.



sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 07:08:46 UTC
Sark, for his part, is trying to make sure his spine is still intact. Once that's settled, he sits up, notes Cy's position, and sighs.

"Well. That will teach you not to chase people in trees, now won't it?" He gets to his feet and grimaces. "Turn back into a cat and I'll see if Ragnar is at the Tower."

Said in a tone of voice like he's so very reluctant to do Cy any favors, which... He kinda is.


cyfor April 29 2009, 07:22:09 UTC
"Thumbs," she mutters, and now there is a curled up, kitten ball of misery, wrapped around its left hind leg. She gnaws on her toes. "Ow."

This statement is accompanied by several kitteny sounds of pain. Yes, she's being a little melodramatic. Naturally, she does not care.


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 07:35:48 UTC
Sark rolls his eyes again, picking her up as carefully as he can manage. "Don't be melodramatic," he says, tone somewhere between scolding and annoyed. "You're not going to die. If I can get myself to an extraction point in the middle of Siberia with an ice-pick in my knee, I think you'll survive."

Thank you for that, by the way, Sydney. That hurt.

He starts walking in the direction of the Tower, hoping to God that Ragnar's there and not out wandering again. He'd like to not have to explain why he has an injured kitten.

...God, he's become the Kitten Rescue Service. When did this become his life?


prince_stupid April 29 2009, 07:41:29 UTC
Ragnar is indeed there, lazing in a sunbeam near the front doors. As soon as Cy sees him, she starts complaining loudly and dramatically.

Ragnar blinks at her. Then at Sark.

"Julian Sark," he says. He knows better than to ask Cy a straight question. "What has happened?"


sarkraticmethod April 29 2009, 07:51:53 UTC
"Stop that," Sark hisses sharply when Cy starts complaining. He looks up at Ragnar and sighs. "Cy has apparently proven that while cats may generally land on their feet, whether or not they injure said feet is purely dependant on the grace of the cat."

He sets Cy down in front of Ragnar. "I imagine that's well within your capabilities to fix?"


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