Somebody knows, somebody's seen. Somebody knows right where you've been.

Apr 28, 2009 01:58

Sark is in a tree.

Yes, you read that right. This would make a great deal of sense if he were a ferret and some sense if he were a tiger, but, at the present moment, he is a person. In a tree.

No, he really doesn't want to talk about it, but he suspects he's going to have to. Apparently, he was taking a walk through the park, contemplating whimsy ( Read more... )

andy mackenzie, john casey, julian sark, the vesmier, katja korolenko*, cy, ragnar, suzie costello, marshall flinkman, jamal malik, dmitri lang, abby maitland, sydney bristow, rachel conway, jack bristow

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prince_stupid April 28 2009, 08:03:43 UTC
Have one (1) very lost Ragnar, Marshall! He's rather exasperated with himself at the moment. He feels he should know his way around the building by now, even if it does give off enough weird vibes to be its own magnetic pole.

He sits in the doorway, listening to Marshall humming a merry little tune. "You have had, I think, a good day."

Captain Obvious has just swung up broadsides to the dock.


akablackkitty April 28 2009, 08:36:55 UTC
Black Kitty meet... The black kitty. Marshall looks up from his work in surprise, but, unfortunately, he's looking up and given he hasn't really spent a lot of time in the vicinity of talking cats, he has absolutely no idea that he should look down about now.

"Uh... Hello?" He says, wheeling his chair closer to the door. No one here but him... And the cat in the door. That he has failed to notice. Sometimes Marshall misses the bigger picture a lot, but, in his defense, here there be ghosts. Or the Tower might be trying to make him its bitch too.


prince_stupid April 28 2009, 08:50:31 UTC
Ragnar blinks. He looks back, then up at Marshall. "Is there someone else to whom you wish to speak? I can say this with some assurance--there are no ghosts in the vicinity at present."


akablackkitty April 28 2009, 09:07:52 UTC
Marshall finally looks down.

See Marshall. See Marshall stare. STARE, MARSHALL, STARE.

"Oh, uh... Hi... Kitty."

Cat. Cat who talks like Sark. Cat who talks, in general. This is odd.

And then he remembers that there was a question there and he shakes his head. "Oh no... I'm just, uh, not used to cats talking."


prince_stupid April 28 2009, 23:38:21 UTC
"It seems most here are not. It is not a personal fault, but a general failing of your species, I think."

He contemplates his paws for a moment and sighs. "I am Ragnar Gustaffson Coeur de Lion. Good evening."


akablackkitty April 29 2009, 01:24:52 UTC
Marshall's pretty sure his intelligence was just insulted by a cat. He decides not to comment on that.

"I'm, uh... Marshall J. Flinkman," he says, introducing himself with his full name, because that's apparently... What's being done here. "Hi. Did you, uh... Come through the Rift? Well, that's a stupid question. Of course you did. I mean.. No other cats can, y'know talk."

He pauses. "Except Tosh's subconscious."


prince_stupid April 29 2009, 04:36:42 UTC
"Ah. The little cat who speaks strangely--who refers to herself as a shadow? Saga?" Yes, Marshall, LOLshadow has Been Named. Something epic. That's the only way Ragnar does things.


akablackkitty April 29 2009, 18:44:13 UTC
Marshall bounces a little in his chair. "Oh, hey, you gave her a name! ...Something other than Ceiling Cat, which is good, because she's not really a ceiling cat, although I guess... Metaphorically, she could be, if you think of your subconscious like a room or... Something. I dunno." This ramble was brought to you by a series of random hand gestures.


prince_stupid April 29 2009, 20:13:31 UTC
Ragnar staaares, a look of mild confusion on his face. "Ceiling Cat? I have never heard of this breed."

Ragnar is not up on the internet memes.


akablackkitty April 30 2009, 21:43:42 UTC
Marshall stares right back and then promptly pulls his laptop into his lap, bringing up a rather infamous website and turning the screen around so Ragnar can see it. The 'ceiling cat' macro is clearly displayed.

"Uh... There's this trend on the internet wherein people post pictures of cats with, uh, weirdly-grammatical text on them and the way Tosh's shadow speaks is the way cats in this, uhm, image macros speak. It's kinda silly, but people really love funny cat pictures, and, you know, I can totally see the appeal." He pokes the screen a bit. "'Cause you know... Cute kitty, weird syntax. Yeah, that's kind of adorable, right?"

...And then Marshall realizes that he's trying to explain LOLCats to a talking cat and wonders if he's finally gone insane.


prince_stupid May 3 2009, 00:46:17 UTC
"It is not adorable." He pauses, then decides to be fair. "Or perhaps it would be if I were capable of decipher the text placed upon these images. Does Saga read these 'lolcats'?"

That would explain her odd way of talking. Ragnar goes "mrrr," which is more or less the kitty equivalent of a kitty tut-tut sound.


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