{Conrad Hotel Basement party thread!}The headwaitress at the Conrad hotel has seen an awful lot in her time working there. Angels, demons, shapeshifters, elementals who weren't aware they were elementals, and, on one particularly notorious occasion, an elemental who seemed to only be able to work with balsamic vinaigrette
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He continues looking over what was brought down, before grabbing a plate and some chicken. It smells absolutely delicious. "I know," he agrees, finding some veggies. "Apparently an elephant just appeared upstairs, so we get the food they already prepared." He shrugs, wondering when he got so blase to Chicago's weirdness that an elephant appearing in the hotel doesn't even faze him. "I was looking for someone to warn about the locks myself. You've got me wondering if yours was the only one that was broken." His still works, at least, but he has no real way of testing any of the other rooms.
"You'd fink," he mumbles, food still in his mouth. At least he manages to cover his mouth while talking. He swallows, continuing. "That it can't just be one. It just doesn't sense."
"It doesn't," Doc nods, frowning. "That's why I wanted to warn people." He glances around. "Suppose we could tell the staff that brought this down. They could pass the message on to the hotel's owner." Martha would make sure everything's ship-shape, from what he's heard.
He shovels some more food down his throat before going back to the subject of locks. "That makes sense," he says, nodding slowly. Being locked out of a room is not something he hopes that someone else will have to deal with. Of course, he's also not aware that no one else is having this problem. Or at least they won't as long as he stays away from their doors as well.
Doc nods back. "We have enough problems around here without having to deal with broken locks as well." He smirks slightly. "I can't go around fixing them all." That would probably be a near-impossible feat, given the fact the hallway's kind of neverending.
He nods at Doc's mention of not being able to fix all of the locks, swallowing hard. "I doubt you've got enough odds and ends to do the thingamajigy" he manages, swirling his finger around at Doc's pocket.
He can't help a snort of laughter at Ricky's description of his abilities. "Probably not," he agrees, still chuckling a little. "Not to mention it doesn't work all the time. I've got to really concentrate on it." He eats a chunk of his bread. "That isn't to say I couldn't take a shot at fixing them the regular way. But that would take God knows how long."
"So, you always been nifty with machines?" Ricky asks. "That's a good skill. Definitely comes in handy."
He trails off, shrugging. It's something he'd rather not talk about right now. Something he's glad to have escaped and at the same time, really wishes he could go back to fix.
"And I'd be careful with that time travel stuff. It can get messy."
"Trust me, I've done the research," Doc nods, absently jabbing at his own chicken. "I know how to avoid paradoxes and the like." In a theoretical setting, anyway. "I don't want to accidentally end the universe either."
He waves his hand absentmindedly, forcing a grin back across his face.
"I think if you could get it working, that could be pretty awesome. Just don't trap yourself anywhere, you know?"
Doc tries to smile again -- hey, they've got free and excellent food. This is no time to be cranky. "That's what emergency tool kits are for," he says, half-jokingly. Of course, he's seen the movies he's supposed to come from, and he knows how easy it is for something to go wrong. "I'll take all the proper precautions."
The subject is obviously a hard spot for both of them, so Ricky jumps along with Doc's subject change. "Yeah, but sometimes even those people who are used to it and stuff get stuck places. I guess it's just par for the course, and you hope you can think fast enough on your feet to get through it." He's thinking about that Doctor bloke who had shown up right before he'd shown up here. Everything had been under control until he'd started messing things up. Odd man. Odd man indeed.
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