Some grow wiser, you just grew older...

Apr 01, 2009 14:49

Today is Piper's seventeenth birthday... Not that anyone would actually know that, because she hasn't really made it a point to exchange birthdates with anyone. A year ago today, she became a demon and her entire world that had consisted of quietly blending into the background and being unobtrusive went out the window. She hasn't spoken to her parents since she ran away and she has no idea if they're still looking for her or if they've given up... It almost makes her sick that she's made them worry, but she can't go back.

She's sitting out in the garden of the Main Gauche with a book in her lap, eating a cupcake with her wings out and pulled through the slits in her jacket. Somehow having her wings out today seems appropriate.

Considering what else today is, it's no surprise that Gray has solemnly sworn that he is up to no good. Although, at the moment, he doesn't appear to be doing anything, but leaning against the wall of a building just a little ways from being across the street (and still in sight of) of the Chicago Police Department. There might be a jackalope hopping around in front of the building that fades away whenever anyone looks at it too closely, but Gray certainly has nothing to do with that and is surely not attempting to drive Casey crazy on this, his most sacred of holidays.

Across town, Des is leaving his office, looking confused and a bit worried. Mathias not responding to his journal entry had him anxious, but Mathias not filling his office with turkeys or something on April Fool's Day makes him very suspicious that something is Just Not Right In Chicago. Mathias tends to up and run off and do his own thing when he gets bored, but he would have, at least, said something. At some point, he's going to have to contact, uh... Who'sherface... His girlfriend. Gwen! That was it.... Gwen, who is in Torchwood, who are probably wrapped up in one thing or another, considering the state of Chicago right now.

Right. Looks like he has another mystery to solve and Chicago has a new mayor to boot, and he's starting to get a little suspicious about that guy even though he really feels he shouldn't be.

Bambi is wandering around the city, checking usual haunts for a specific person- the clubs, the bars, the park, and if she has to, she'll take a cab all the way down to Cicero. She doesn't look nearly as anxious as she feels, but if she did, her wandering would look a lot more suspicious to the higher powers.

So Flagg's in office and Foxy Loxy got his dream come true and that's going to spell trouble for a lot of people. Bambi's never been a very good angel, but she knows her choices these days are either die or Fall, and she'd rather die for something than Fall for nothing. So she's got a plan, but first she has to find someone first...

dev and ace caulfield, gray raines, bambi dalton, piper paxton, cy, victor van dort, maka albarn, casey wyatt, buffy summers, desmond descant, rusty hunt

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