
Mar 31, 2009 11:04

You'd think that when you start out being lost, it's hard to get more lost. Lost is lost, right ( Read more... )

jennifer rose stanton, jack benjamin, ragnar

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Comments 111

amuseamused March 31 2009, 20:30:17 UTC
Jennifer Rose is skipping down the sidewalk, art supplies in hand. It's not a particularly lovely day as such things go, but she likes how skipping makes her skirts poof.

She slows down when she sees Jack, mostly so she doesn't run into him. "Good morning! You look a little lost. Did you need help finding something?"


gilboanprince March 31 2009, 20:36:54 UTC
Jack sizes her up quickly and thoroughly, automatically turning on his most charming smile to cover it up. He doesn't see any recognition, so he opts for the safe route.

"Good morning, lovely. I'm more than a little lost, I think; could you just tell me where I am?"


amuseamused March 31 2009, 20:50:19 UTC
She smiles back cheerfully. If she had caught the considering, which she didn't, she wouldn't be bothered by it. People always look at her strangely. And he called her lovely, so she likes him.

"Of course. You're right at the edge of Grant Park. The lake is back that way, most of the colleges are up that way, and the Conrad Hotel is just down the street. Chicago is really pretty this time of year, don't you think?" He could be normal-lost, but Jennifer Rose has an odd streak of luck when it comes to finding wanderers. She's gotten in the habit of always working the fact that they are in Chicago to her location answers.

She likes his smile. He'd be fun to draw.


gilboanprince March 31 2009, 21:00:42 UTC
Flirting works. Good to know.

Absolutely none of that sounds the least bit familiar. He mentally maps out the area, for once grateful that he'd been required to study the local geography, and -- yep, no Chicago, no Grant Park, no Conrad Hotel. It might be a tactical error, but she seems harmless and he needs to know, so he asks, smiling wider to cover his confusion, "And where, exactly, is Chicago?"


prince_stupid April 1 2009, 07:52:25 UTC
Ragnar was busy tending to a young cat under a bush, curing a cold and banishing parasites. He looks up when Jack appears, tilting his head to one side. The cat makes a nervous noise and Rags give him one last lick.

"You will be fine. Go on."

He strides out to meet the confused-looking human. "Good evening."

Hi, Jack. Welcome to Chicago.


gilboanprince April 1 2009, 14:24:23 UTC
Jack just sort of gawks for a moment. If there was any further doubt that he wasn't at home...well, it's gone now.

"Am I going crazy or did a cat just speak to me?"


prince_stupid April 1 2009, 15:13:07 UTC
Ragnar sighs, peering up at Jack with an air of insulted dignity. He's beginning to tire of that question.

"I beg your pardon, but I must ask this: Are all humans so narrow-minded?"

He curls his tail around his paws. "You seem in need of assistance."


gilboanprince April 1 2009, 15:24:21 UTC
A quick scramble for composure. This may be the first time he's actually thankful his mother forced him into etiquette classes when he was a kid.

"I beg your pardon, Sir Cat." His best courtly bow. "You took me by surprise, I didn't mean to offend."

Going for his cell phone to get a picture of the talking cat would probably be a bad move, right? Also pointless. So he doesn't. But he thinks about it.

"And, yes. I think I need assistance. I have no idea where I am or how I got here."


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