A fighting man forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each fall...

Mar 11, 2008 20:17

It took the Doctor a while after waking up to figure out where he was, what had happened. He's not used to being drugged, and the combination of painkillers and sedative seems to have really muddled his thought processes.

He's got it more or less sorted out now, though, and is a little concerned that Martha's not around so, against doctor's orders, he's up and wandering. Which hurts quite a bit, and if he's not careful he's got a sneaking suspicion he might start bleeding again, but he's convinced himself he'll be just fine.

Having wandered down to Martha's room to be sure she's not there, the Doctor swings by the cafeteria to grab a cup of tea (and there's no sign of Martha there), then heads back to the common room to sit and do a combination of worrying and thinking, and possibly yelling at the reason Martha left the hotel again if he can find him.

the doctor (ten), martha jones, desmond descant, zelgadis graywords

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