If he wants a fight, well now he's got one, and he ain't seen me crazy yet. [Locked]

Mar 17, 2009 00:41

In Grant Park, hidden in the shade of a group of trees, there's an angry hellhound. Missy's been spending her nights in her behemoth form, sleeping in the shade of the trees and picking off nighttime strollers when she can find them. She's actually in the process of chewing on the remains of one of those said strollers, her teeth and muzzle, ( Read more... )

sydney bristow, missy ashford, michael westen

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ducttapewarrior March 17 2009, 19:58:24 UTC
Michael can think of much, much better plans than this one. The problem is that... most of them involve putting Sydney in more danger than he'd like. Correction: most of them involve putting Sydney in more danger than Bristow would like.

So there's this. With the wolf and the explosives and all.

It's hard to see a black wolf in the dark, but he assumes a hellhound will pick up on that more easily than a human would. And her scent... well, it wasn't hard to track. It's a bit distinctive. The blood helps too.

He lopes through the darkness toward her, hackles raised, bristling with teeth bared. As he draws close enough, a low growl rises from his throat. Let her think that whatever poor pedestrian she's eating was a friend of his or something.


technicallyiam March 17 2009, 20:44:44 UTC
Missy looks up from her meal. Wolf. Werewolf, probably. Much smaller than she is, and for that reason she's completely unconcerned. And, hell, if he's looking for a meal or just looking for revenge, she could get rid of him easily, but that's only if he makes a nuisance of himself. Right now, she's comfortable.

She growls right back and bites down on her pedestrian with a satisfying crunch, giving him a real good show of her teeth. Yeah, just keep walking, tiny. Didn't your mother ever teach you to pick fights with someone your own size.


ducttapewarrior March 17 2009, 21:01:52 UTC
Oh, fine, make it difficult for him. Michael almost sighs, but restrains that urge. Instead, he lets the growl slide up a little in pitch, and into a sharp bark. He lunges toward her, snapping at the air near her face. He'd really rather not get too close to her jaws, but he's hoping he might be just a little bit faster than a big, hulking hellhound.

Or maybe he'll be hellhound chow very shortly. He's hoping it doesn't go that way.


technicallyiam March 17 2009, 21:12:09 UTC
Okay. Tiny has become an annoyance. Missy doesn't snap at him with her jaws, however, she rears back a paw and tries to swat at him, hoping to catch him in the side and send him sprawling, and if that doesn't work, she's getting up and prepared to make mincemeat out of his yappy little head.

Bastard disturbed her dinner. Of course he has to pay. Missy's a bit more tempermental than usual these days.


ducttapewarrior March 17 2009, 21:32:00 UTC
Michael was waiting for that, and so just manages to dodge out of range of the smack. He barks again, almost mocking, and dips into what could almost be a play bow. Except his teeth are still bared, his hackles still up...

Convince them you're crazy and they probably won't take you seriously. He snaps at her again, dances backwards with a snarl. Come on, come get it, bitch. You know you want to...


technicallyiam March 17 2009, 21:40:07 UTC
Agitated hellhound is agitated. She abandons her dinner with a howl of frustration and starts edging closer to the offending wolf, snapping at him and snarling. She's not exactly slow, but she has more girth and weight so that's a problem, so he has her on speed and agility, but if she can just get a lucky hit in...

She attempts another swat, snarling. You are going down, you little bastard.


ducttapewarrior March 17 2009, 21:50:30 UTC
Michael is, to all appearances, enjoying himself - as much as a snarling, snapping wolf can be said to have a good time. He dodges each of her strikes neatly, keeping a careful eye on her so each time she shifts to attack, he's ready to move out of the way - she lands one hit on him and he's probably down for the count.

As she moves forward, he dodges back, turning occasionally to run a short distance and then swing back toward her, closing again and racing around behind her to snap at her flanks, all the while leading her slowly into an area devoid of trees and statues and park benches. Hopefully all that's distracting enough that she won't realize she's being led.


technicallyiam March 17 2009, 21:58:51 UTC
If he were any less agitating, it might occur to her. She's not an idiot, but right now, she's more animal than anything else and this is like poking a bear with a stick and expecting it to be rational and not knock your head off. All she can think right now is that she wants to get this stupid animal between her jaws and skin it alive with her teeth.

So she follows, growing increasingly more frantic and full of bloodlust. Piss off a behemoth enough and they won't think much about anything other than KILL, KILL, KILL and Missy was in that sort of mood to start with- this doesn't help much. The more frantic she gets, the less likely it looks like she's actually going to hit him or pounce him, but, at this point, she doesn't even care.

One of them is going to trip up and the only rational part of her mind that's still working is telling her that eventually he has to trip up. Until then, she'll just keep swiping and snapping and trying to pounce on him, never actually suspecting that he's leading her on.


ducttapewarrior March 17 2009, 22:05:13 UTC
Michael finally reaches an area of nothing but grass, half-circled by trees, and by then he's really ready to be done with this. Before he gets eaten alive by a really tetchy demon. He stops, just once, a yard or two away from Missy, and glances past her - behind her - to a spot somewhere in the trees. It's dark, but if you look close enough, it's possible to see a woman crouched there, a very, very large gun on her shoulder.

He nods, just once, spins around, and then takes off in the opposite direction from Sydney at a dead run. No more harrying - now it's up to Sydney and Fiona. ...Hopefully not Fiona.


technicallyiam March 17 2009, 22:16:52 UTC
Missy is panting by this time and when he stops, she's about to lunge at him one last time while he's distracted... distracted? And did he just nod?

Something clicks. Rational thought returns, however briefly, and Missy draws herself out of her crouch so fast that she almost loses her balance, whirling around to see exactly what the wolf was looking at.

Oh... fuck.

There's no time to think, no time to lunge out of the way, and even if there was, she's rooted to the spot by the same animal instinct that causes deer to stop moving when faced with a moving vehicle. Somewhere, something is telling her to move, but she can't get her legs to work.

Well, at least the bitch wasn't so noble that she wouldn't consider not playing fair. That's a comfort.


mademeaweapon March 17 2009, 22:49:43 UTC
As soon as Michael nods, Sydney clenches her jaw, takes a breath, and pulls the trigger. The recoil almost knocks her over backwards, while a rocket-propelled grenade goes screaming directly at the hellhound. Sydney's aim is very, very good. It makes a very, very loud boom.

Sydney takes a breath, and stares at the corpse of what used to be Missy Ashford, rising slowly to her feet. Well. That's one problem taken care of.


triggerhappyex March 17 2009, 23:12:56 UTC
Fi saunters out of her hiding spot looking... both pleased at the very loud boom and disappointed that she didn't get to cause it with her Napalm.

"Good aim, girl scout," she comments, nudging the remains with a toe. Then she sighs. "Well, I'm sure you and Michael will be fine on your own. Need to do something with all this napalm, after all."

Wicked grin flashed as expected, and then she's gone, off to cause a little mayhem and hopefully not blow up anything too big.


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