Sirius Black has just come out of a movie theater; it's his first time seeing one alone, and he's very proud of himself because he didn't try to talk to the little people on screen, not even when they were being stupid (which they were for most of it).
Now, he thinks, it's time for a self-congratulatory burger.
Lily Evans is at the Gauche,
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So here, Faith. Have a stupid Boy Scout giving the streets another try.
She can also tell that he's kind of cute. Her eyes work, you see.
"You know," she says conversationally, falling into step beside him, "wandering the streets at night is probably not a very good idea."
"And I realize that sounds hypocritical, but I have blackbelts."
"Yeah," he says. "Well... I've been really, really lucky thus far. Might as well see how far that lucks extends."
Because that's the smart thing to do.
"Besides," he continues, "how do you know I don't have blackbelts too?"
He doesn't. But he is field-rated. So hah.
(Really they should invent new levels for her and Buffy, she thinks.)
"Point taken," she admits, and offers him her hand. "Faith Lehane."
But he doesn't know that. Not yet.
He takes her hand with a small grin. "Michael Vaughn," he says. "It's nice to meet you."
Faith shakes firmly, careful not to squeeze hard enough to break. "Likewise. So if you've got blackbelts and so do I, which of us should be offering to walk the other home?"
"But, um..." he gestures. "Shall we go? Or do I have to take your arm, my lady?" He might have bowed there a little bit. He's a dork. Hush.
"I need my arms free, thanks," Faith says, and turns her hand over so he can see the daggers in wrist sheathes hidden under her coat.
Vaughn's more than a little intimidated now. Really. But he's a man, and he doesn't show surprise.
"Oh," he says. "I see. Well then. Shall we go?" he gestures toward the direction of the Conrad.
Yeah, he's terrified. But that's okay. Keeps him on his toes.
Yes, the 'intimidated' doesn't go away with this one, but she's fun.
He means the knives, of course. The terror is just kind of getting in the way of proper thought processes.
It's possible that this is true. It's also possible that it's complete BS. With Faith you kind of have to take your chances.
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