This city's ripped right to the core...

Feb 21, 2009 01:52

The Doctor is just about through with people hurting his friends. True, it's not targeted attacks this time, just random wanderers, whoever they can find, but... he's actually not sure if that's better or worse. So he's made his way to a hospital where there are, in theory, three men who aren't entirely in touch with the world or, in fact, their own minds at the moment. So he may have had Toshiko hack into the local hospital's admittance records and see if they'd had three men admitted at the same time with the appropriate symptoms - no reason not to make things as simple for him as possible.

So he's walking into a hospital ward now, flashing his psychic paper at the nurses on duty and introducing himself as Dr. John Smith, and asking if they can show him to the patients, please? He may or may not have a certain robot in his pocket. After all, two terribly brilliant Time Lords, even if one's in a watch, are better than one, right?

Sam is a distinctly unhappy Sam, and rather than screaming at walls to deal with it, he's gone for a walk. A walk while armed and with a guardian angel in tow (that last bit was kind of unavoidable), but he needed fresh air, even in the freezing cold and impending snowstorm, and he's not letting a bunch of sodding terrorists frighten him into staying in the building that keeps eating people.

...Though he will have go to back eventually. He's not thinking about that now.

And meanwhile, Gwen is getting out of one of the Torchwood SUVs somewhere in Wicker Park. There was an address posted in the journals, months ago, and after a bit of searching, Gwen was able to find it. Someone here might have just a bit of information about the wanderers who actually exist in this world, and Gwen's interested in one in particular.

Though, now, she might have a bit more trouble asking about wanderers and actually getting information than she would have before... Well, she'll deal with that as best she can. It be a few years now since she was a police officer, but if she could ferret out Torchwood, she can manage this.

andy mackenzie, the doctor (ten), bambi dalton, plot: game-wide, sam tyler, gwen cooper, gabe seagram, plot: election, ruvin, npc, aniki forfrysning

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