We're falling through space, you and me...

Mar 08, 2008 23:50

The Doctor's decided to leave the hotel - he sort of had to sneak out, because he's got a feeling Martha would threaten him with... well, not death, but serious pain, if he went on his own, but the Doctor has had experience getting out of places he shouldn't.

So that explains what he's doing on the pier now, leaning on a railing and staring out over the water, a little paper bowl full of chips sitting on the railing beside him, mostly forgotten, though every now and then he'll reach over and pop one into his mouth.

Mostly, though, he's studying the water and the horizon but not really seeing it, and looking very pensive.

He should have this figured out by now, and the fact that he doesn't bothers him.

calisto, the doctor (ten), martha jones, revan onasi, mathias

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