It's life's illusions I recall. I really don't know life at all.

Feb 17, 2009 22:13

Roland Deschain has to return to his apartment in the Gauche again, as much as he'd rather stay away forever. He needs more clothes and ammo. He's bled through the arm of his shirt, again, and he can't afford for anyone to notice and connect the blood with his face and the face on the TV box ( Read more... )

john dorian (j.d.), tess cooper, trinity mcfasater, abby maitland, roland deschain, 21-b (emily), daniel jackson

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Comments 44

omnomnomface February 18 2009, 04:00:54 UTC
Trin's up late. It's the way she rolls. No bedtime for HER, haha!

Except she's wandering now and there's a Roland back in the Gauche. She squeals when she sees him, charging at him because he's back, and he looks like shit, granted, but he's alive.

"You came back!!!" she cries.


gunslingersai February 18 2009, 04:43:39 UTC
Roland winces when he sees Trin and realizes that he can't escape from this encounter.

He definitely had not wanted anyone that knows him to see him, that knows what he did.

"Came to pick up clothes and ammo is all. I can't stay," Roland says, but he manages an almost smile for her sake.

It's his attempt to be reassuring.


omnomnomface February 18 2009, 11:45:31 UTC
She runs over to hug him, but pauses and gives him a look. The look is clearly a look of 'You are an idiot!', and it's not one Trin pulls out very often (mostly because it's often she who is the idiot.)

"When did you turn dumb?" she demands. "Have you been watching any kind of news? Not that it matters, you'd have known the buildings blew up and it's not safe for wanderers out there, Roland." She pauses, and notices that he's bleeding. Another look crosses her face--this one a mixture of fear and concern, before settling back on irritation. "That's it," she says. "There's no way in hell I'm letting you go. Nope. Not until we at least get that looked at."


gunslingersai February 18 2009, 15:58:25 UTC
"I'm not staying," Roland says, again, with more conviction this time and no hint of reassurance in his face anymore.

He glances at the blood on his arm. He can't imagine that there is a doctor that he can go to that won't have questions, won't try to stop him. "What's done is done. I took the bullet out."

Because that's all that needs to be done to a wound.

It doesn't bleed all the time, anyway.


withpockets February 18 2009, 04:01:00 UTC
Donna has been, understandably, pretty worried since the attacks yesterday. But she's tried not to show it, if only because she doesn't want to worry the kids (Maria included) too much.

She sees Emily and bends down to kiss her head. "Something wrong, sweetheart?"


who_will_buy February 18 2009, 05:09:49 UTC
Emily gasps a little. Not loudly. She hadn't been paying attention to what was going on in this world so the touch took her by surprise.

It takes a moment for the words to register.

She presses a hand against her head to clear it, clear the fuzzy painful something bad something big something something somethingscoming

Emily looks up at Donna- at her Mom. "It's smaller now so it doesn't hurt just anytime, but I can still tell when its weather changes and shifts..." She blinks and stares back at the Rift, not really sure of what she had been saying. "I can see into it if I concentrate real hard and sometimes I do cause I wanna be sure nothing's gonna come. Cause I wanna protect you and the Doctor and Des and Martha and everybody..."


withpockets February 18 2009, 05:39:24 UTC
And oh, isn't that just... all sorts of adorable and sweet. Donna laughs softly and wraps her arms around Emily tightly. "Oh, you're definitely part of this family."

She crouches down so she can look up into Emily's eyes. "That is wonderful, and you do that as long as it doesn't make you too tired or sick or anything. If you can't handle it, just tell a grown-up, and we'll keep everyone safe, too." She glances over at the Rift, and then back at Emily. "Is there something trying to come through?"


who_will_buy February 18 2009, 05:49:34 UTC
Emily hugs Donna tight. She loves hugs. She loves hugs from her Mom best. She smiles back at her when she pulls away, but the smile is weak and not all happy. It's distracted, too, and worried. She can still feel it there. The Rift. There is enough to worry about in the world without this, too, but it's coming whatever it is.

"Something's- something really, really bad. And huge. Huge and terrible," she says with her eyes fixated on the Rift, again. Her voice is emotionless, except for a sharp edge of worry. "Can't tell exactly what. It's far off still. Farther than I can usually feel, but it's horrible enough that I feel it already. Been trying to slow it down, hold it back, but..."

It's bigger than her. So much bigger. She's afraid her efforts aren't doing much good at all, but that certainly won't stop her from trying.


chimaerasaurus February 18 2009, 04:07:53 UTC
Do you hear that quiet chirping, JD? Do you hear that quiet chirping at the end of this long hall?

Do you hear that whisper calling out a name you can't quite here?

There's something moving, JD. Something moving through the shadows.

Something coming.



sensi_doctor February 18 2009, 05:14:05 UTC
JD focuses in on the end of the long hall.

"Ghosty?" He flashes the light wildly around the end of the hall in his shaking hand so its hard to focus in on what just might be moving over there. "Casper?"

JD drops the flashlight.

"I come in peace," he calls, raising his hand and bat into the air. "I just want to make contact, make friends... I-" JD leans down to the ground groping wildly in the dark. "Don't-move-again-until-I-get-my-flashlight- back-please!!!"


chimaerasaurus February 18 2009, 05:18:33 UTC
"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" There is an Abby, holding a Rex, and rubbing her eyes rather irritably. Her feet are visible in the light from the flashlight, at least. Not the rest of her though. "Now I can't see even if you do get the torch."


sensi_doctor February 18 2009, 05:27:24 UTC
JD picks up his flashlight and points it up at her from his position kneeling on the floor.

"You're really solid for a ghost." He stares at Rex. "What's that? In your arms? When you die and become a ghost, do you get a pet dinosaur? Awesome. The book I read didn't mention anything about ghost-pets."


egyptiansoldier February 18 2009, 04:37:49 UTC
Daniel is on alert for suspicious activity in the Tower. He's dealt with terrorists before, but this is different somehow.

He spots JD from a few floors up, thanks to some headache-inducing application of that nifty x-ray vision trick, but by the time he gets near it's obvious that this kid isn't with the CLF. Unless they spend their spare time ghost-hunting in Wanderer-infested buildings.

"Find a lot of ghosts that way, kid?" he asks, slightly amused.


sensi_doctor February 18 2009, 05:19:13 UTC
JD jumps about a foot into the air, dropping the bat and flashlight. He whirls around.

"Ohthankgod." As much as he wants to meet a ghost, he has a feeling he would be very scared to actually... meet one. "Uh. Yeah! A ton! I'm a pro-fessional, can't you tell?"

He blinks, looking down at his feet.

"Okay. So I never found one before, but there's a first time for everything!"


egyptiansoldier February 18 2009, 22:05:41 UTC
Okay, threat level here is smaller than... the smallest thing Daniel knows. And he had to listen to Carter ramble on about microbiology once, so that's saying a lot. Sorry, JD.

"What were you planning to do if you found one?" he asks, nudging the dropped bat with his boot. "Not hit it with this thing, I hope." Because that would be foolishness. And quite probably futile.


sensi_doctor February 18 2009, 23:47:57 UTC
"No! The bat would just swish through a ghost, but it was more for protection in case there were non-ghost-creepy things that tried to... attack me. I could swing it around threateningly and stuff!"

JD picks the flashlight back up.

"I was just gonna talk to the ghost. I thought it'd be a cool adventure to-" write in my journal about. "Have. My friend Nate says there are ghosts here. Thought it'd be kinda awesome to find one."


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