And midnight graffiti appears on your door, so we can all sleep safe in our homes...

Feb 14, 2009 21:37

In the Conrad, there's an archangel prowling. Julia Angelos looks something like her mother - not enough that she's going to be mistaken for her, but enough that anyone catching her out of the corner of their eye might get an odd sense of deja vu. She's been here a couple days, and isn't sure she's going to stay, but...

She didn't know her mother well. Hell, in almost nine hundred years, she'd only spoken to her a couple dozen times, met her only a handful, and it's not often she's around people who actually knew her either. Maybe she shouldn't stay. Maybe they'll expect her to take Romana's place.

Until she decides what the hell she's doing, though... well, the Conrad does have a damn good training room, and she may as well take advantage of it.

At the Kashtta, Sydney is trying not to move much, because... well, that demon didn't cut her badly, nothing that required more than a few stitches, but it hurts to move her arm her arm too much. As if she needed more of a reason to dislike demons...

So she's curled up on a couch in the lounge, a rose between her fingers, staring at it like she's wondering where the hell it came from. Maybe it's best not to ask.

Nate is also in the Kashtta, stalking the halls like he's looking for something to punch. Mat's gone. Mat's gone with his fucking new ward and Nate can't follow him because of his damn ward and he hates everything. And why is there never anyone to pick a fight with when he's looking for it?

owen harper, julia angelos, faith lehane, robin rice, john dorian (j.d.), sydney bristow, nathaniel wallace, elena guerrero, dusty baker, jack bristow

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