Don't Fear the Reaper [Party Thread 2]

Jan 31, 2009 21:45

((OOC: Another party thread. You know how it goes. And if you don't... ask! ^^ Happy Riftversary! Even if it's two hours until... it's over. :/ I'm sorry I'm slow ( Read more... )

julian sark, julia angelos, suzie costello, dmitri lang, desmond descant, sydney bristow, missy ashford, gene hunt, lolshadow, toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), logan scott, john casey, malek asenath, babel, john dorian (j.d.), abby maitland, juni swan, arlin keysa, vincent sterling, npc

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technicallyiam February 3 2009, 23:44:29 UTC
Your life is not going to get any less complex today, Sydney.

Missy's prowling around, having had a few more drinks. The bar's starting to hop a bit more with people filing in from the parade and she's looking for someone, anyone interesting.

And what's this? A doppelganger? Missy's first reaction is to bristle a little bit from across the bar, because how dare someone with her face show up here. That's like showing up to a party in the same dress, only... Worse. And generally more unlikely.

...And then she remembers- didn't her little boy-toy mistake her for some girl? Cindy or something? ...No. Sydney. That was it. Oh, this could be fun and she's been hurting for some payback ever since that ordeal in the park. There's a chance she could be wrong, but Missy likes taking chances and if she isn't the same girl, then... Well, she has her face. That is a very serious crime. (Yeah, like Sydney can help it.)

She crosses across the bar for the sake of coming up from behind Sydney and purrs, "Let me guess... Your name's Sydney, right?"

Possibly that is the worst thing she could have said in this situation.


mademeaweapon February 5 2009, 05:49:13 UTC
Sydney does not react well to being surprised, and she especially does not react well to being called by name by someone she doesn't recognize. So she spins around quickly, grabs her arm more on instinct than anything else - she was startled - and then... manages to get a look at her face.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Yeah, and who the hell are you?" Other than someone she's already really not inclined to like.


technicallyiam February 5 2009, 06:38:27 UTC
Missy arches an eyebrow, looks down at Sydney's hand around her arm, and then looks back at Sydney's face like she's possibly contemplating eating it. Startled or not, you just don't go around grabbing demons- what? Didn't her parents teach her any manners?

No, Missy. Sydney's parents taught her how to be a spy... Kinda.

"Missy Ashford, and unless you want to end up like your little boy-toy would've ended up had his guardian angel not gotten in the way, I'd take her your hands off of me."

Thankfully, half the bar's either too drunk or not paying attention to hear that threat and act accordingly.


mademeaweapon February 6 2009, 17:19:48 UTC
Sydney stares at her for a moment longer, and it only takes that moment for a few things to click in her head. Boy-toy...? Fuck, Vaughn, and it doesn't take much to put two and two together once she knows that, how this woman would have learned her name and what Vaughn would have thought, seeing her... And the heat of this woman's arm under her hand, that wasn't just the heat of a crowded bar, that's a demon's body temperature, and oh, she is going to kill somebody before this day is over. Couldn't she just have one normal day?

"I tend to get a little annoyed when people know my name when I've never met them before, and I really don't appreciate people pretending to be me so they can get at my friends." She's keeping her voice low, not loud enough to really be audible over the noise of the crowded bar, but there's a low edge of threat to it. She is not backing down to some crazy demon with her face. "So unless you want me to break your arm right here, I'd suggest you lay off on the threats."


technicallyiam February 6 2009, 19:03:36 UTC
Missy scoffs a little. Humans, they're so arrogant when they think they know what they're doing. "Hey, your boyfriend should've been smart enough to know the difference. I would have left him alone, but he just had to come to me with those adorable doe eyes, thinking I was his missing love, and... Well, what kind of demon would be if I didn't take advantage of that."

Her eyes flash with just the faintest tinge of red for a second, but she clamps down on the urge to shift. While it would certainly eliminate the problem, the collateral damage isn't really worth it today- not when she's only got eyes for this snippy little upstart. "Someone missed the memo on demon physiology, but go ahead. Make my fucking day, sweetcheeks."

Which is possibly a mistake, but she has about as much faith in the strength of humans as she has faith that a kitten can take out a mountain lion. Humans aren't as strong as demons. Everyone knows that.


mademeaweapon February 7 2009, 04:01:35 UTC
There was a time Sydney had a better control over her temper. There really was. That was before her life went fucking insane.

She doesn't actually go to break Missy's arm, though she would certainly deserve it after what she did to Vaughn. She does slide her hand down Missy's arm and twist, kind of hoping she can make something pop, and with her other hand, she punches her. In the face.

"Stay the hell away from me, and stay the hell away from him," she snarls, and doesn't even care that she sounds a little like a jealous girlfriend saying it. Yeah, this is going to go well.


technicallyiam February 7 2009, 04:25:26 UTC
Missy hisses at the pain and there's a bit of a pop, but demons tend to be a bit more versatile than humans and unless you're applying the right kind of force to it, you're just going to get a pissed off demon who'd like that to stop before it escalates into something else.

The punch causes Missy to react by jerking and spinning her leg around and delivering a sweepkick to Sydney's legs, which might be stupid considering Sydney still has her arm, but if Sydney's not smart enough to let go when she starts falling, then she's just going to have an angry demon on top of her when she hits the ground. Missy's just full of irrational bloodlust and all she wants is to get her arm free so she can start tearing apart every piece of her that she can get to.

She is so fucking sick of humans who don't just lay down dead when they're supposed to.


sauntereddown February 7 2009, 05:13:52 UTC
Sydney releases Missy's arm on instinct and rolls with the fall, thankfully not falling into any chairs or tables on her way down - though that may be because at the first punch, most of the people near the two of them backed off and started cheering on the catfight. Sydney ignores that, kicking Missy's legs out from underneath her while she's still on the floor before grabbing a table, levering herself to her feet...

And that's when a tiny little Charun who looks like Fiona comes lunging at the two of them, because where Missy goes, Logan follows. Including into barfights.


technicallyiam February 7 2009, 05:28:09 UTC
Of course, there are people cheering. Humans. Missy's deeply reconsidering the whole 'let's not tear apart the bar and eat them all' plan and it's starting to show in the little flickers of red light that keep taking over her eyes.

She hits the floor with an angry growl and that's fucking it. She scrabbles onto her stomach and practically starts crawling her way to bridge the (rather small, all things considered) gap between her and Sydney and grabs onto one of her ankles, practically howling in fury, with the intent to keep her down and hopefully get close enough to tear her throat out, other people in this room be damned. When I get done with you, I'll make sure your boyfriend gets your fucking heart in a box.

Rationality has fallen to the wayside and she hasn't quite noticed Logan coming to her aide. She's a little bit preoccupied with being psychotic right now.


aint_nosurprise February 7 2009, 05:53:51 UTC
Casey growls when the annoying Fiona look alike walks away from him. Nobody gets him riled up, and then stalks involved in a different fight, an actual fight. He doesn't even look to see who is involved with that fight, because he just knows this chick is bad news and she grated on his nerves and his trying to just walk away.

He launches himself off of the bar with a grunt and tackles Logan from behind to try to stop her lunge. There were probably better ways to handle that, but he didn't have any large objects available for throwing.


mademeaweapon February 7 2009, 06:21:41 UTC
Sydney snarls and kicks back at Missy's hand on her ankle, and then very quickly decides that kicking her hand off is not sufficient. She'd really much rather kick her face in, and God, this is so much more of a public spectacle than she ever really wanted, but at this point there's not a lot she can do... Except try to make this end as quickly as possible.

Logan yelps and drops, rolling with the fall as much as she can and jamming her elbow back, hopefully into Casey's solar plexus. Fucking humans. Fucking, fucking humans. She frees a hand, going for the knife she keeps strapped to her thigh. She's bored with this shit now.


technicallyiam February 7 2009, 06:41:30 UTC
Missy apparently realizes the idiocy of that tactic and rolls away before she can get her face kicked in, which is about when she notices Logan and the fact that Logan's got a knife on someone. God, it better not be another guardian angel or she'll have to kill something... More.

She gets to her feet with a growl, because there are better ways to do this than on the ground clawing for Sydney's throat and Logan just reminded her that she's got a knife in her boot- best not to go around weaponless even if you can turn into something with teeth and claws.

The effort of getting to her feet and getting her weapon out pretty much took all the rationality she had left and she lunges at Sydney with the knife, fully intending to embed it in her shoulder... And then probably several more places if she's not thrown off again.


aint_nosurprise February 7 2009, 06:57:53 UTC
Casey tries to twist away from the elbow coming at him, but doesn't quite manage to get out of the way completely. He makes a loud pained noise, nearly lets go, loses his balance, and falls. Nearly. It's a little hard to breathe, but he's taken hard hits to every part of his body before. Even if this is a new body, the pain doesn't seem to register any differently.

She is definitely not human. Casey hooks his arm around her neck and twists one leg around her leg as tight as he can so he can remain behind her, which is a better position to be in if she's not human. It makes it harder for her to get at him effectively. Hopefully.

And then she is going for what he can only assume is a weapon, a knife if she can hide it against her tiny thigh so well, but he doesn't realize it until a second too late. He lets go of her neck so his arm's not an easy target and tries to kick her hand before she can take a swipe at him.

((OOC: I'm not sure if they're on the floor or what, but I'm kind of assuming they're just... on the floor at this point))


sauntereddown February 7 2009, 18:07:43 UTC
Sydney can't miss noticing the demon going for the knife, and she moves to step forward, try to kick it out of her hand - she does not want to grapple with her, knowing how strong she is, but if she can just get the knife away from her...

The problem is that demons are faster than even Sydney had bet on. By the time she gets into a position where she can kick the knife away, Missy's already somewhere else and there's a knife scoring her shoulder - she's moving, so it doesn't hit quite the way intended, but it grazes over her collarbone, and Sydney bites back a yelp of pain. She keeps moving, though, because if she stops she's well aware that she's going to get herself killed, throwing a quick jab at her stomach and then going for the arm with the knife, grabbing her by the wrist and digging a thumb between the tendons. Maybe grappling with her is a bad idea, but not getting the knife away from her is even worse.

Logan hadn't seen the kick coming, and the knife spins out of her hand, across the floor - which is probably for the best, because it's a nasty little curved thing that could probably do some serious damage. She growls in frustration and reaches back to grab at Casey's throat. It's an awkward angle, but demonic strength should lend her a little help here, and she grabs for Casey's nearest arm with her free hand, because if she can just get a firm enough grip, she can break it - and most people have a hard time choking you or throwing a punch with a broken arm.


technicallyiam February 7 2009, 19:25:28 UTC
Missy wheezes and staggers back into something that's half-crouch, because she's at the wrong angle to get firmly back onto her feet, which puts her at a disadvantage, because her attempt to make sure she doesn't just topple over gives Sydney the advantage she needs to grab her by the wrist. She's in no position to actually grapple, nor is she in any position to resist the pain long enough to see if she can get the knife in her throat (her knees her starting to protest severely and half-crouching on the ground isn't a good tactical position for long-term fighting anyway). She sacrifices the knife and topples backwards onto her back, shooting her free hand out to grab a fistful of Sydney's shirt before kneeing her in the stomach in the hopes that it'll wind her enough to her off of her and take her out long enough to get the knife back again.

Possibly someone in the crowd at this point has been smart enough to call the police, but no one's stepped in to help yet- at this point, that would probably be a really bad idea though. Two enraged demons fighting too enraged special operatives is probably not a fight anyone wants to wade into the middle of.


aint_nosurprise February 7 2009, 20:42:42 UTC
Casey is too busy trying to keep her from grabbing hold of his throat well enough to move his arm out of the way of her other hand. He had been trying to reach for his own knife, unsuccessfully at this odd position, but now that she's unarmed it doesn't seem as necessary.

The moment he realizes that she's got his arm he uselessly tries to pull away and throws his leg out and attempts to aim another kick of his heel back into her gut at the same time.


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