Don't Fear the Reaper [Party Thread 2]

Jan 31, 2009 21:45

((OOC: Another party thread. You know how it goes. And if you don't... ask! ^^ Happy Riftversary! Even if it's two hours until... it's over. :/ I'm sorry I'm slow ( Read more... )

julian sark, julia angelos, suzie costello, dmitri lang, desmond descant, sydney bristow, missy ashford, gene hunt, lolshadow, toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), logan scott, john casey, malek asenath, babel, john dorian (j.d.), abby maitland, juni swan, arlin keysa, vincent sterling, npc

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sensi_doctor February 2 2009, 23:12:36 UTC
JD is freezing from being outside in the cold to watch the parade. Within two hours, he has tried three drinks and has mingled with everyone from waitresses to the bartender, Eddie. Nice guy! Not bad looking either... not that JD noticed.

"Who is your sugar daddy? Why do you have such funny names for your drinks? How many appletinis do you make in a single night? Huh, funny, thought more straight guys would be ordering them" He is having an in depth conversation with Eddie about very random subjects between Eddie's serving details.

Sometimes Eddie is called away so JD sits on his bar stool looking dejected and pouty so feel free to approach and talk to him at any time. It's likely a little attention will perk him right up, again. Make his metaphorical tail wag (that is not a euphemism).

Yes, he's a lot like a puppy.


homoraptor February 3 2009, 02:38:18 UTC
And here's a Malek, who's just at the tipsy pre-drunken stage that means he's really just a ball of enthusiasm and fun times bouncing around and looking for people to harass enjoy, or possibly for a chance to raptor out. He comes back from getting the cold shoulder from some guy near the door to bounding onto a barstool next to JD, hailing the bartender and ordering "Awt, 'nother Arm Candy, an' one f'th'kid, ja?"

He hasn't actually looked to see whether or not JD has a drink, whether or not he might be Malek's type, anything like that. He's just 6'3" oh happy demonic enthusiasm. You gonna argue?


sensi_doctor February 3 2009, 03:16:33 UTC
"Ja!" JD agrees with a grin before he has even looked up to see just who is ordering this drink for him.

Eddie nods. The kid's amusing when he rambles, but Eddie does have a job to do and it's hard to leave him alone without feeling like he's kicked a puppy in the hind leg. He moves away and starts fixing their drink, flagging his backup bartender to cover two more hands going up down the way.

He has finished his last three drinks, determined not to get too drunk for once, but apparently all of his determination melts away when an enthusiastic guy offers to buy him a drink. JD looks up at Malek. Oh, hey, he's tall! And also, attractive in a... women would totally be into his bald head like Mr. Clean sort of way. Yep.

"Haven't tried the Arm Candy before. Is it good? Sounds real good," he says with only a hint of a slur.


homoraptor February 3 2009, 03:31:53 UTC
"Ach, da," Malek says. "Deleeesh. Wt' ginger beer - best drink 'ere." And then he starts chuckling, 'cause hey, he made a rhyme!

After a moment, he turns to eye JD up and down. Okay, a bit littler than the ones he usually goes for, but good spirits count for a lot, and he is a fan of that hair. Which he reaches out and tousles like this is a perfectly acceptable thing to do to someone you don't even know. (Hey, he bought the kid a drink!)

"What've you been suppin', then?" he asks. "Gotta know t'way 'round t'menu."


sensi_doctor February 3 2009, 03:50:30 UTC
"Mmmm! Love it when it's deleesh," JD says, and then giggles, because he is too girly to chuckle when he is this tipsy. "Hey, you rhymed! I'm an awesome rhymer when I'm sober-er."

He is completely oblivious to being eyed by Malek. The hair ruffle catches him by surprise. "Hey," he says, and then ducks his head into the ruffle and okay, he enjoys it.

He's a touchy feely person and no one, but him has touched his hair in a while. Can he be blamed for enjoying a good hair ruffling?

"I... have... had..." JD tilts his head to the side and tries to run through everything. The funny names of the drinks really don't do well for his recall factor when he's under the influence. "I- had the Sugar Daddy. 's my favorite so far. Then I had the Yay Yo and wooh, that wakes you up and smacks you over the head at the same ti- time. And I just finished a... Brown Sugar 'n it made me all nostalgic for Chocolate Bear. My best friend. From back home ( ... )


homoraptor February 3 2009, 05:16:21 UTC
"Mm, choc. Could do wi'some good choc," Malek says, spinning around on the bar stool and resting his elbows on the bar. "Big ol' cake. Dense, like. Maybe one o't'ones wit' caramel an' those little nuts, ja?" He closes his eyes for a moment and just imagines.

Then their drinks come, and he grabs them both and stuffs one into JD's hands. "Cheers," he says, before knocking back a pretty big swallow and either ignoring or enjoying the ginger burn down his throat. "Now. Alc's all wells and good, but really? Food. Big hunk'a steak an' chescake. Or a pizza. Ice cream, yanno?" His behemoth metabolism is catching up to him.


sensi_doctor February 3 2009, 05:50:43 UTC
"Oh! I know, right? Love chocolate. Love it. If I wasn't a doctor, I'd so be the Candy Man. Like in Willy Wonka. I'd open up a big factory and people would have to eat candy to get the golden tickets and it would be the best..." JD tilts his head to the side.

Apologies for the "I've got a golden ticket!" bursting loudly throughout the bar overpowering the music even. It's been awhile since JD has daydreamed in public. This is why.

He blinks, and then takes his new drink in both hands, taking a couple of sips. Yep. His head is spinning. Whee! JD places one elbow on the bar stool and puts his head on his hand as he sips away at his drink.

"Mmm! That is good! You weren't bull shittin' me about that. Not one bit. I love food! Chocolate ice cream! I haven't had pizza in forever, but like the deep dish, stuff with extra cheese and pineapples and ham? Yes! But if I eat too much my physique gets all... doughy. Ya know? And that's no good! Won't catch any of'the ladies like that," JD exclaims, followed by a slurred mutter of "Won't catch ( ... )


homoraptor February 4 2009, 01:36:38 UTC
"Should 'et some," Malek remarks to... the air around him. "Oooh, yus - like, th' big-" He makes a gesture indicating something FUCKIN' BIG. "With the river o'choc, an' all? Heffn. Right there."

Malek doesn't quite notice the noise coming from nowhere. His situational awareness is not that good, especially not when tipsy. "Got a great pizza place, awt Cicero. Big thick - who's Nate, then?" Note how Malek breezes past the 'ladies' thing entirely. In Malek's world, heterosexuals are obviously just confused. He follows this up with a good-natured jab to the shoulder. "You gettin' all the trimmin's too?"


sensi_doctor February 4 2009, 18:05:20 UTC
"Yeah, should 'et... lo-o-ots of some," JD says, but then abruptly shuts his mouth when he realizes how little sense he is making. It's much less than usual. He is easily influenced, either by alcohol or Malek. It's not quite clear which can be blamed for this.

He nods and tilts his head to the left. "Big river of chocolate! A- and the flowers you could use as a cup and eat when you were done with your drink! Yes! I wonder what those flowers were made out of...."

JD would be glad that Malek didn't notice the noise if JD realized that a daydream projection had happened. Eddie, the bartender, seems confused, but no one is paying attention to him. "Cicero. I wanna go to Cicero," JD says and wonders when he can get to this place to have a slice or if he would even be able to find his way.

"Nate?" JD will try his best to seem nonchalant when answering this question, which means he will fail. "He's- uh, he's just a friend. Of mine. Nate's a- A good friend of mine. We're- Yeah. He's a good guy though." HotHe turns toward Malek and pouts ( ... )


homoraptor February 4 2009, 18:35:15 UTC
Malek bounces a bit in his seat. "Live in Cicero!" he says. The I was... implied. "Nice place. Free food, balknies, big sor' of - voosh! Whirpool baths. Could show ya." He motions with his drink. "Pizza... ice cream cake... whirpool. Bet'cha meet Babel. Like Babel." He slips into Arabic for a moment, then slips back out."An' what f'r trimmins - I don't know. Ask that kid." He waves his hand vaguely in the direction Des... was sitting. "Descant. 'e gets trim, I hear."

He snags a bowl of munchies, popping a good handful into his mouth and offering the bowl to JD.

"Up for't? Might be a good night."


sensi_doctor February 4 2009, 19:16:10 UTC
"Whirpool baths? Lucky," JD says with even more slur than before. "Yes! I've met Babel. I met her at the parade. She wants me to see the animals! I forget which animals she was talking about, but I'm... s'posed to do that."

He leans over and looks in the direction that Malek waves and stares. Des. Des is so attractive and is part of the OT3 and gave JD a panda and- JD has to flail wildly to keep his balance and not fall off of his stool. "O-kay. I'll ask 'em. He's not a kid though he's old. Still hot though," JD says and stands only to find that he has no balance at all.

He takes a step, sways, and gives up on walking. "Maybe I will just wait for the floor to stop swimming." JD grabs hold of the bar to keep himself from falling into Malek's lap that could be... bad somehow ( ... )


homoraptor February 4 2009, 19:24:51 UTC
"Kfawh! Ja. Well hot." Malek may have reached over and grabbed JD's shoulder, matter-of-fact style, to keep him from falling over when he thought about going to talk to Des. Possibly this kid needs instruction on how to hold his liquor. It's kinda cute. "'n' old, but wears it well."

Des, that is a crazy demon leering at the back of your neck you feel.

"Up f'r you know," he says. "Pizza 'n' ishcream 'n' whirpools 'n' t'night. Good time, garranteed."


sensi_doctor February 4 2009, 20:15:17 UTC
JD smiles at him in a I'm kind of dumb, aren't I? Thanks for that way when Malek grabs his shoulder.

"Yeah, he does," he says with a wistful tone to his voice. It's too bad JD is straight (hahaha) and Des is taken.

He raises an eyebrow at Malek. No, no he doesn't know, but he would very much like to- Oh! JD's pout of utter confusion (and wistfulness still) turns into a grin.

"I'm always up for a good time!" JD has no idea what's involved in Malek's version of a good time, but pizza and ice cream and whirpools sounds like a damn fine time to him! "I'm... like the master of having good times. I mean, I love all that stuff and I can do like danceoffs and enjoy parades and drinking and yeah, so up for anything!"


homoraptor February 4 2009, 23:41:32 UTC
OH MALEK IS SO HAPPY. And it just goes to show you that if you're persistent enough, eventually someone will agree to come home with you!

It's very, very Malek, the way he just doesn't stop to consider that JD might be reading something innocent into all of this. It's Malek. To Malek's mind, he's being perfectly clear.

He claps JD on the back, hopping out of his own seat. "Got a car," he says, patting himself down for the keys. And yes, Malek is insane enough to drive drunk. But he's never crashed and killed everyone in the car before! Surely it must be safe!


sensi_doctor February 4 2009, 23:54:26 UTC
JD stares at him, head all tilted.

"Can you drive," he asks, blinking. "Nah, who am I kidding? Course you can." Because that is the best way to rationalize when lives are on the line.

He steps away from the bar with a sway.

"I cannot dri-i-ive though. Nope." He laughs to himself all high pitched and sing-songy. "If I try to drive, we all die and by we all, I mean, you 'n me, sir."


homoraptor February 5 2009, 00:26:43 UTC
"Like ridin' a bike," Malek says, compressing the work bike into an oddly birdlike noise. "Need a hand gettin' t'th'door then? I'm still walkin' straight lines."

Aha! Keys discovered. Malek saunters vaguely backward toward the door, still grinning in JD's direction. "Serrously. I c'n carry ya. Might be fun, that..."


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