So maybe I'll just keep my mouth shut...

Dec 16, 2008 18:21

At the Casa del OT3, John Smith is curled on the sofa with a library book. He's caught up on recent history, a few key scientific advances, and now it's on to just reading for fun. He also happens to be avoiding his room. By this point, the sight of a strange person or creature in his bedroom's so typical he just ignores it and finds someplace else to sleep, honestly.

He's also grinning like an idiot, for reasons that may not entirely be related to his reading, and very probably have more to do with a certain Rose Tyler, who he's become somewhat smitten with.

Dante is at a none-too-reputable bar, still just getting a feel for the city, doing a bit of casual people-watching, and bitching to no one in particular about the piss this place passes off as beer. Anyone who'd like to join him in his scathing critique of the beer is welcome to do so.

Elsewhere in the city The Prophet has recovered from the number the Doctor's stupidity did on him. He's been up and about, checking on his people, talking to them, smiling warmly all the while. Recent events have put him in something of a good mood -- the peace between angels and demons is an amazing thing, and he just might be considering going to the ball that was mentioned. Some things should be witnessed firsthand, and an historic event such as this is definitely one of them.

At the Kashtta Tower, Ianto Jones has made his way onto the roof, where there's a good amount of snow piled up, and no one to notice the fact that he's got goat legs. He's spent some time just watching the city, and now... Now he's making a snow-Weevil. Shh, don't tell anyone.

And The Other has been wandering around and exploring, but he's given some serious thought to discovering what others like him are doing. So he's heading to the Kashtta Tower, which is where quite a few interesting things seem to have happened before he got here. So off he goes, and if his path there puts him near the TARDIS... Well, here you go, TARDIS. Have a new Time Lord!

the doctor (ten), cy, raziel, ianto jones, john smith, dmitri lang, the other, !tardis, dante, the prophet

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