your troubled mind...

Mar 03, 2008 00:15

Martha Jones woke up before Des did, of this, she's proud. Although, she hardly remembers falling asleep sitting on the floor, head on his arm in the first place. Her neck protested at the awkward position it'd been forced into for a few hours, but it didn't take her very long to ignore the pain, get a shower taken, a change of clothes, down a couple of pain meds, and start to work on the Medical Room, making an inventory of what broke and what needs replacing.

She is up for talking or if anyone needs anything, she's there for that, as well.

Ricky Linderman has been in his room for a long time, but now he's hanging around in the lobby, sitting on the desk since there isn't a receptionist around at the moment. He's trying to force himself out, but the growing inescapable depression keeps him from having the energy to deal with much of anything. Brando talked to him. They both can't help but wonder if this depression is the Rift's doing.

In general, he feels better, thanks to Brando and Becky, but... it's hard to resist. The knife.

It would be so easy and maybe if he did it another way... Becky wouldn't have to suffer through it.

And then there's Johnny Smith in the common room with a sharp headache resting at the forefront of his mind. He's rubbing his forehead and looking thin and worn, but that's nothing new for him. At least, he hasn't had a vision in a little while (as in a day), that is promising.

ricky linderman, the doctor (ten), martha jones, regulus black, johnny smith, morona rainer

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