[Locked] You're messing around with other people's lives. Not everyone who plays that game survives.

Dec 11, 2008 02:17

There's really no delicate way to take hostages. Half the time, it's going to involve some public place and someone's always gonna get shot in the kneecaps and no one really wants to clean that up. Sometimes it's necessary though and mostly this whole scenario involves a hell of a lot of stalking, because you can't just lure people out into the open anymore, 'cause then they get everyone involved and it's an even bigger mess. Best to stay on the down-low, lurk in the shadows, see where the targets are heading, and go from there once they stop in a set location, provided you can get a team in the area fast enough.... And, you know, provided people don't notice they're being followed, but he's pretty good at being undetectable, especially in a city this big and this full of people.

That implies Cole's doing any of the actual stalking, of course. He's not really. In fact, he's in the back seat of his sedan, parked behind a local conveinence store, waiting for some kind of signal from the walkie from one of his men. He's running short on time and short on patience and this little game has been going on for awhile, but dragging people out of a place at the Kashtta Tower is just inviting a war on his head, so this is the only way to do it.

So.... It's a waiting game now.

sydney bristow, april, mckenas cole

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