Have pity on the general, the king, and the captain. [Locked]

Dec 06, 2008 00:03

Two weeks. Two weeks.

Somehow in two weeks, he's managed to find himself in a completely different version of a world that wasn't his own in the first place, reacquire an awkward relationship with his daughter, and somehow deeply upset a psychic girl, because somehow she's overly fond of a person who probably isn't worth being that upset over, but... That's Jack's opinion and he holds grudges.

And now he's had his second summons and he's closing in on the location requested in the journal entry, more than slightly wary of the reasons behind this meeting. He has no idea who this Vesmier person is or what he might possibly want with him, but given his conversation with April and how well that went, his guard's up and likely to stay that way for this entire meeting.

Really, if the rest of his life in this Rift is going to be anything like the last two weeks, he'd probably just as soon take to drinking again and be done with it. Thankfully, he's too professional for that these days.

the vesmier, jack bristow

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