You know Atlanta never looked the same after she burned to the ground.

Nov 29, 2008 22:34

[[OOC: Backdated to, uh... I dunno. A day or two after Riftpower Roulette. ONE DAY WE'LL POST THINGS THAT AREN'T BACKDATED. Mostly for Dmitri's sake, but, you know... Have at.]]

Jack's unsure of how he feels about being a guest on Torchwood's territory, especially given his relationship with them back in the other Rift, but he always felt the two groups could stand to benefit from working together somehow, which would lead to less toe-stepping and he made that clear in his initial debrief, especially considering Torchwood has access to Marshall (who pointedly doesn't want to leave) and as Jack rather needs his head of OpTech, he's better off sticking around here and seeing what comes of this potential alliance.

Besides, according to Marshall, his daughter's here in this building, and normally he'd be jumping at the chance to see her, but given the fact that he was informed that her last memories before she was taken by the Rift were of that very first torturous night in Taipei with Dr. Lee and considering he still remembers exactly what she said to him that night.... Yeah, he's putting off that meeting as long as possible, although Sydney might have the luck of being stalked by a German Shepherd for no apparent reason for a little while.

At the moment, Jack is on the fifth floor of the Kashtta Tower, sizing up rooms and looking for all the world like he's making the best of a bad situation by trying to fix what the Rift took from him again... Well, it's a huge tower and he has to have somewhere to conduct operations and maybe Torchwood won't mind too much if he surreptitiously borrows a floor for his own purposes... Maybe.

cnj, dmitri lang, april, jack bristow

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