At least this time there aren't any Slitheen...

Feb 28, 2008 21:52

Tosh and the Doctor had both been in the common room when the earthquake hit, both of them studying the data she'd gathered on the rift, trying to make some sense of it. At the first sign of the earth shaking, the Doctor quickly caught on, and dragged Tosh into the doorway of the room where they could shelter until it was over - like Tosh needed the help there, because even if she lived in London and then Cardiff, she grew up in Japan.

So now she's sitting in the common room on the couch, chin resting on her knees as she watches the destruction on the television, biting her lip and fretting. She'd gone looking for Owen and Ianto right after, and found neither of them in their rooms, which worries her a lot more than she'd like to admit. She's trying to stay calm, and hoping that one of them wanders in here some time soon.

Meanwhile, the Doctor's pacing the room, rambling to himself about rifts and earthquakes and what it must mean that there's an earthquake in Chicago of all places, just what the rift must be doing to have triggered that... No one's really listening to him, which is just fine, because he's mostly talking to himself anyway.

toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), owen harper, revan onasi, plot: game-wide, johnny smith

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