Because if he had I'd be dead

Nov 20, 2008 04:47

In the same hospital Vincent's in, there's another angel.

This one's young. Just a kid, really. A guardian. He's in for a gunshot wound, technically, but it's not helping his status that his mind is in considerable turmoil.

Losing a ward will do that to you.

It's morning. The first few hours, he was in surgery. Very touch and go, the surgeons were pretty sure they'd lose him more than once. Juliet's been in contact with his doctors at the hospital, and as soon as he's stable enough to be moved, he'll be transferred to the TARDIS' infirmary.

Easier to deal with his brother that way.

But he made it through the surgery, and while he could still get worse and die, he's stable, and sometimes awake.

Not really coherent or sane, but awake, and able to receive visitors.

mat wallace, nathaniel wallace

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