Oct 04, 2008 17:15
In the Kashtta Tower, The Vesmier is sitting with a prototype psychic amplifier in his hands, carefully tuning himself into it. He's been at it for a few hours now, but the fact that he's doing it in the dining hall by the kitchen means he's not averse to interruption - he just needs to make sure he understands the thing intimately. More than a few lives could rest on that knowledge.
Owen Harper, perpetually restless these last few days, is looking for Ianto. Really what he's doing is looking for coffee, but find Ianto and you find the coffee, so. He's not so much "averse to interruption" as he is "Owen Harper," but if you want to approach him, you may.
The Tower's resident robot, CNJ, has installed itself in a corner of Gwen's office and is subjecting the room to a detailed scan. If it's found anything suspect, it's so far declined to share that with the class.
And, in the sub-basement, the Rift has started to flash in groups - a repeating pattern of the first 13 primes. At least it's not exploding, or anything. We think.
owen harper,
the vesmier,
the doctor in the watch,
ianto jones