You take it all away, but never give it back; and this is what you say: their lives are yellow-black

Sep 08, 2008 12:04

Out on the streets of Chicago, Karunamayee is wandering in crooked oblongs near the Kashtta Tower. She's still avoiding everyone's eyes, but she has questions to ask - she's just not sure what the best way to ask them would be. As a relative newcomer to Chicago, she missed everything going on in the Conrad Hotel basement, and this business with ( Read more... )

tay barnam, toshiko sato, julian sark, owen harper, the vesmier, edna mode, malek asenath, elashte*, dmitri lang, april, karunamayee

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archangelet September 8 2008, 17:11:59 UTC
The pedeconference comes somewhere near Tay and she watches it dubiously for a moment before falling in step just behind them. "What exactly are we arguing?"

Hey, if it might get her mind off her issues, she'd like that. A-heh.


elashte September 8 2008, 17:16:22 UTC
Elashte lets her fall into step, and sighs. "Malek thinks it the height of bad judgement to speak with Ms. Takahashi in an effort to form a lasting peace," he says. "I don't share that sentiment."

Malek twitches visibly. Were he in raptor-mode his tail would be lashing, but he is smart enough to know that not a lot of arguing can be done in that state. "Sorry," he says at Tay, "but they're archangels, ja? Hunt demons, 's what they do. And we en't getting less demon."


archangelet September 8 2008, 17:18:47 UTC
Tay raises an eyebrow at Malek. "Uh, hello? Notice me here? Notice no attempts on your life in the entire time we've known each other?"


"Well, the once."


homoraptor September 8 2008, 17:22:39 UTC
Malek, not exactly the most tactful person under the best of circumstances, has not become any better over the course of this argument.

"Ja, but. No 'fence. Born an' bred archangel, but didn't turn out it, na? You did turn out arch, bet we wouldn't be here for ice cream, would we?"


archangelet September 8 2008, 17:23:59 UTC
Tay just might glare a little. And start making plans to put something nasty in his bed, JUST TO SHOW HIM.

"Look, I've talked with her a little, she's one of Vincent's kids. She's not fucking nuts like Romana is."


elashte September 8 2008, 17:35:00 UTC
"My impression exactly," Elashte says, with an edge of irony to his tone. He wouldn't be the one to phrase it "not fucking nuts," but the sentiment is right. "Malek is having some little trouble getting his mind over the stumbling block 'Archangel.'"

Malek darts around in front of him, arms and legs itching with the effort of holding in his wings. He holds up both hands. "Look, you think there's one Rak in here doesn't want to go find angels an' rip them up? Dunno who it works with you pols, but it's instinct. Hard stuff."

Elashte grinds to a halt as Malek moves in front of him, giving him a dark look. "Note how none of them, to my knowledge, have gone on retaliatory strikes yet."

Malek snorts. "Ya, yet."


archangelet September 8 2008, 21:49:51 UTC
Tay purses her lips, thinking. Peace talks are not exactly something she's been taught, but... well, she's sharp and has pretty good instincts.

"So... don't have her around them. Have the meeting away from the Conrad and away from the Gauche. Neutral ground, or as close as you can get to it. At least that way there won't be a bunch of people on hand chomping at the bit to kill each other."


elashte September 8 2008, 22:05:38 UTC
Elashte nods. "Certainly a possibility. Meeting at the Conrad Hotel or Main Gauche would be a powerful statement, however."

"Specially if you get killed," Malek mutters.

Elashte ignores him. "There are a number of protocols which should be... established or observed. Preferably by someone whose mental faculties are not impaired," he grumbles.


archangelet September 11 2008, 03:20:13 UTC
Tay, unfortunately, is not exactly a well of good ideas in this situation. So she just sort of awkwardly shoves her hands in her pockets and continues following them.

With her wings in and her whole presence so dampened, she seems even more like a tag-along kid then usual, and she knows it, but... well, it's better than just sitting around.


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