We conquer paradise just to burn it to the ground...

Aug 23, 2008 22:47

When archangels go to war, it doesn't tend to be in Romana's typical sleek sedans with tinted windows. More often, it's in vans - large, windowless, capable of holding a good-sized group of archangels and their weaponry. An obscene number of these vans are now pulling up around the Main Gauche, doors swinging open and angels with a variety of large ( Read more... )

ashley remington, romana angelos, anya naputi, maya roy, harry dresden, missy ashford, amber erin mckeenan, tay barnam, logan scott, jeremy taylor, eric delaflote, malek asenath, plot: game-wide, plot: archangel apocalypse, buffy summers, sam tyler, karunamayee, npc, sky williams

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GROUNDS of_rageandruin August 24 2008, 03:05:22 UTC
I fear rivers overflowing, I hear the voice of rage and ruin...


sauntereddown August 24 2008, 04:39:27 UTC
Logan's on top of the roof, as directed, laying low just in case any of the angels take it into their heads to shoot at her. Not that it would be an easy shot, but you never know. She can't help but grin a little when they blow the gate - that's cute.

And then there's a horde of archangels rushing at the gate, and Logan twitches her wings a little uncomfortably. No matter how much she enjoys the fight, there's something unsettling about that many archangels coming her way.

But at least she'll be able to make the odds just a little more even. She waits until there's a good number of angels through the gates, and then detonates one of the explosives she laid earlier. This explosion is much larger than the one on the gates. There won't be anything left of the angels near the center of the blast. Logan bares her teeth in a grin, and shifts over to her sniper rifle. Not a bad start to all of this, she thinks.


technicallyiam August 24 2008, 05:09:42 UTC
Missy's already in hellhound shape, crouched in the shadows of some trees with Eric and the minute the explosion goes off, she grins in the best approximation of a grin a large hellhound can make and makes a wheezing sound that might be a laugh. That's my girl.

The archangels are scattered, but still trying to fall back into formation. Well, she'll fix that quickly enough. She gives Eric a glance over her shoulder, inclining her head a little in a way that suggests he needs to stick close to her, as if you can convey that with a nod of the head.

She doesn't run- that would expose Eric and she's meant to be covering him and she wouldn't want Jeremy Bonaparte to be upset because he's boy-toy got shot-, merely lunges unexpectedly a group of archangels in formation close by her and makes short work of the lot of them. The ones nearby are probably, more or less, going to be scared shitless by the unexpected hellhound, and meanwhile Eric can work his magic.


wineandvenom August 24 2008, 05:16:24 UTC
Eric's concealed as well as he can be near the entrance, wings tight against his back, influencing every angel within reach. It's fucking hard, throwing emotions without any kind of interaction, and harder when he's having to do it to multiple targets, but he's damned good. He just hopes it's good enough.

Are you sure this is the right thing to do? goes the suggestion. He's planting doubts, making the archangels question their glorious leader. She's having you storm an apartment complex, filled with potential innocents. She's lost it. She's going too far. All that's there, in the emotions he's putting out, and, although he doesn't know it, neatly tying in to Tay's speech.

If he only knew what Missy was thinking about him and Jeremy, he'd be tempted to throw a bit of a deathwish her way, but luckily for all involved, he doesn't.


apocalypticos August 24 2008, 05:30:06 UTC
An older angel, probably nearing 300, is not having any of that mind-messing nonsense. Corbin doesn't like having his mind prodded, always very physical and down-to-earth. He growls and stalks into the shadows, trying to locate the source of that fucking Glays with the intention of putting a bullet in him.

Well, quite a few bullets.


technicallyiam August 24 2008, 05:38:16 UTC
Missy doesn't know that he's looking for Eric specifically, but he's looking for something and since Eric is causing the most mental damage, she puts two and two together and gets a whole lot of I am not having that.

She gives Eric a bark of warning and then lunges at the offending angel with the speed of a predator much smaller than herself and takes a swipe at his back with a paw to knock him down and following it up by chomping down rather unpleasantly on his head with a satisfactory crunch. Probably not necessary, but the angels are running scared and she's running on so much adrenaline that even if they did get a few shots off of her, she wouldn't react as negatively as she did when she was shot by that damn human.


comeladydeath August 24 2008, 05:19:20 UTC
Anya finished rousting everyone out of the building, and she went looking for Malek. In a time like this, by Malek is the place she most wants to be. She's prowling the grounds looking for him, slipping from bush to bush - she missed Jeremy's speech, she's got no tactics, all she has is her wings out, wide and white like a tern, and the overwhelming sense of angels all around her.

She sees the explosion and makes her way toward it, because if Malek is looking for her, by the fires are a good bet to where he'll look, and Oh please, oh please, let Malek find her soon. She's young and an afreet, and not used to this sort of thing.


broketheboyinme August 24 2008, 05:28:20 UTC
Sky has at least two small grenades on his person and no way to do anything about that in the current scuffle, and he's never been very good with guns. They aren't his bag and so he never really learned to use one well enough to not shoot his own eye out- hell, the only reason Romana brought him along was because he knows more about explosives than any of the other kids.

And speaking of explosions... Well, that was mighty epic. He's hanging back from the others, keeping watch on the perimiter with some of the flank soldiers, but standing just a bit away from them, which, unfortunately would make him a rather easy target.

Sky is not always exceptionally bright.


comeladydeath August 24 2008, 05:33:50 UTC
And there's an angel. She's almost on him before she really sees him, and sucks in her breath quickly - she's in the open, wings mantling, afraid to dart because he might see her, but if she stands here won't he see her, and maybe she should attack, but aren't these archangels? And she doesn't know what to do except try to break them, punch and grab and twist and...

Malek was always the one who did these things. She hung back and watched him, came with him because he wanted some company, not because she was his partner on the job. But if that angel sees her-


broketheboyinme August 24 2008, 05:42:56 UTC
Sky's instincts are sometimes weirdly acute- it comes from growing up in a town full of demons and he turns quickly to see Anya, registers her as a demon and makes a move to signal one of the flank soldiers who might actually have a gun.

He doesn't think to call them first, in case she's faster. His wings mantle and he lunges at her in an attempt to tackle her down and hold her there and let one of the others finish her off before she can run away.


comeladydeath August 24 2008, 05:46:49 UTC
Anya squeals. No no no isn't good isn't good, but she leans into his tackle, wrapping her arms around him. It's okay, it's okay, if I'm touching him I can do something, I can do one thing, and she buries her face in his shoulder for the sake of something to hang onto and she reaches down deep past the pit of her stomach and finds the energy there and burns.

And she can feel her skin burning through her clothes, through the grass beneath them, up into the angel (Malek calls them coldbloods, so cold, so cold), burning up everything...


broketheboyinme August 24 2008, 05:52:49 UTC
Sky yells and almost thinks of letting go, but it's not like it'd do much good, because she's holding onto him too and pulling away at the same time isn't helping any. Wings burn faster than flesh and his feathers are on the verge of going up like a Christmas tree- does it count as falling if they're burnt off?

He doesn't get the chance to find the answer to that question or really understand the true horror of being burned alive, because at some point the fire hits those grenades in his pocket.

And then there's an explosion of a very different sort, only a little bit bigger than the second one.


thepizzalord August 24 2008, 05:39:46 UTC
Harry's pretty impressed by the size of that blast. Sometimes nonmagical methods are king, and in this arena, it's one hell of a bang. The angels are fairly swarming, trying to regroup, but we can't have that.

He sweeps his staff forward, building energy until it's crackling the air around him, and aims it at the side opposite the hellhound. "Forzare!" The kinetic energy blast roars across the open battleground, slamming into the mass of angels. Bodies are flying and he aims another, raining down the doom, as ordered.


hymnsofgenocide August 24 2008, 05:55:05 UTC
Jeremy's loving this. More archangels to kill, so damn many of the fuckers, and they just keep coming, walking into his sights as neat as you please. This is his idea of heaven.

When the explosion comes, he lets out a low, delighted laugh and spares half a second to grin broadly in Logan's direction. He's not too far away, down on his stomach, angled for maximum cover and the best view of the entrance.

Then he starts picking the angels off, one by one. One shot, then another, thinning the crowds as best he can.


apocalypticos August 24 2008, 05:46:14 UTC
There's a girl with nearly-white hair standing guard by one of the doorways, grinning like a maniac, just waiting for an angel to start towards her. She's slender and doesn't look like much - she's hoping for a good-sized group to think she's just the right demon to try to push past.

And then she'll show them. Oh, she will. But until then, she just watches, with that unnervingly giddy and manic grin.


terriblexangels August 24 2008, 05:57:12 UTC
James is running pretty manic, himself. Survived that damn explosion, survived the motherfucking hellhound, and managed to barely survive whatever explosion came from the fucking rear like that, and he's feeling pretty invincible.

Little demon girls standing in doorways? Oh they just make his bloodlust or possibly room temperature, angel blood being as cold as it is, but semantics. He's ready, he's able, and he is lunging for that door.


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