mad world

Jul 28, 2008 22:40

To see a truck transporting goods throughout the city is not necessarily something out of the norm. In fact, it is a daily occurrence. However, today, a transport was sent out. A transport with no real destination and drop off. However, it does pull to park several blocks down from one Conrad Hotel ( Read more... )

kiki monroe, julian sark, the vesmier, sally sparrow, plot: game-wide, the doctor in the watch, farley claymore, michael vaughn, mitsuki takahashi, ripley hennisey, april, vincent sterling, doc brown, shepherd book

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thrillofthekill July 29 2008, 04:32:51 UTC
Vincent heard Mitsuki's shrieks and practically ran in her general direction. If Mitsuki was screaming like that, they had to be under some kind of nuclear strike... But, honestly he wasn't sure that Mitzi ever screamed about anything, least of all nuclear war ( ... )


thrillofthekill July 29 2008, 04:33:04 UTC
"Vince, I can't. I can't. S'not high enough here. Can't fall. Better this way. Cleaner, faster. PLEASE." She was crying, sobbing, choking and thrusting the gun at him. "Please, please, please."

He remembered what he did that night and it still gave him nightmares. She wasn't innocent- she'd killed and slaughtered just like any archangel, but he thought his wings would be torn from his back when he pulled that trigger for her that night, just because she wanted it so badly and he didn't have the heart to let her keep going on like that. Not a day went by that it didn't scare him.

"This is what you always lead them to, Vincent," the demon chuckled again. "You might as well put the gun to their heads and pull the trigger, because sooner or later, they all wind up just like her."

"Please, Vincent," the girl whimpered, putting the gun in his hands and guiding them to her head. "Please."And he stood there, shaking all over with more fear that he'd felt in a very long time, knowing all too well that it was true ( ... )


the_vesmier July 29 2008, 05:29:56 UTC
The Vesmier is moving through the halls, Doctorbot in hand, projecting You do not see me, you do not notice me, you do not fear me as constantly as he can. Everyone is panicking.

He brushes their minds as he goes - this one can't drive, this one has no access to a car, this one he refuses to burden with taking them to a Dalek - aha. A soldier. Access to vehicles.

He reaches out, touches his shoulder, and replicates his own calm directly into his mind, his own awareness of the situation. It won't help his heartrate, the epinephrine in his system, but it should snap him out enough to function.


thrillofthekill July 29 2008, 05:46:30 UTC
Oh something snaps and that something happens to be Vincent's wings, unfurling about as fast as they would if he were in combat. He pulls them back in quickly and whirls to face what he's presuming is an attacker, but the calm takes effect and all he's left with is a desperate sense of fight or flight and he's not sure if the man he's staring at is someone he should be fighting or not, so he's left hovering on the fringe.

His wings mantle and behind him, he can still hear whispers from the teme and his dead kids, including that nameless girl. "What?" He hisses through gritted teeth, sounding only a little calm, although if he wasn't a great deal more calm than he was, Ves would probably be put through a wall by now.


the_vesmier July 29 2008, 05:52:06 UTC
Ves is thrown into - though not through - the wall when Vincent's wings come out, and hits it with a muted exclamation. Pain, like fear, is not something his life has presented him with thus far, and that hurt.

Ignore it. Work past it. He grits his teeth, raising the hand that's not holding the Doctor in what he hopes is a pacifying gesture in this culture. "There's a chemical agent in the air," he says. "Apparently hallucinogenic. It's activating the portions of your mind controlling fear."

He stands stiffly, worrying at the pain in his back as well as he can for not being a medical doctor. He can still move, which is something. It hurts when he moves, which is something else.

"The area of effect encompasses this hotel. Unfortunately, there's nothing to be done about that until the air clears naturally. There's a greater problem facing the city."


likes_pears July 29 2008, 06:00:37 UTC
The Doctor can't really do much right now, and he doesn't like this at all. And most humans and human-like-creatures -- really, his experience with angels has been limited to the one -- don't take well to having a watch talking in their heads.

So he scrolls a message, hoping that Vincent can see it.

There's an alien here. Called a Dalek. Almost invincible, lives to kill and it will DESTROY THIS CITY unless I stop it.

...I'm the Doctor, by the way. Different one, you may have met my alternate self. Hello!

He's also somewhat concerned for Ves, and the little robot legs curl around Ves' hand in something very like a reassuring hug, while he projects comfort at him.

::It's not that bad. You'll be all right, just don't try anything stupid. Leave that part to me -- it's what I'm best at.::


thrillofthekill July 29 2008, 06:09:01 UTC
Vincent pulls his wings back tightly against his back, observing and watching Ves move as if making sure he didn't break the poor guy or something. Vincent is a bruiser and... Well, he tends to bruise people.

"Okay, that would explain a fucking lot," he mutters, crossing his arms over his chest and... Trying not to catch the eye of the girl who has moved into his periphreal vision. He's still scared just a bit, but he's controlling it now, pushing it away, not allowing the hallucinations to get to him.

He might not have seen the message had he not suddenly noticed that a tiny robotic thing is perched in Ves's hands and sort of gets closer to look at it. "Okay, that's a problem and why the hell do these things always happen twofold? Can we have a clusterfuck that is less clusterfuckeriffic ( ... )


the_vesmier July 29 2008, 06:12:38 UTC
"We need transport to the location," Ves says. "We believe it's being distracted, for the moment, in a specific location. We have the coordinates."

Ves pauses.

"If it bores of its diversion it will move on, systematically annihilating all life in its path as it goes, and to my knowledge we will have no means of tracking it."


thrillofthekill July 29 2008, 06:36:31 UTC
Vincent never really thought anyone could physically ellipse at a person, but he's fairly certain that's the best definition of what he's doing right now.

"Great. Perfect. Fear gas, and genocide, and brown paper packages tied of with fuckin' string." Vincent's just muttering incoherently to himself right now. Don't mind him.

"All right, fine. I got a car. Just... This way." He gestures towards the elevators, hoping to avoid the torrent of scared angels and the like lurking in the basement. Most of them seem to have isolated themselves and aren't actively attacking anyone, but if they do... Vince'll probably wind up knocking them unconscious. For their own good.


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