Don't forget the best will go wrong...

Jul 28, 2008 21:20

"All Torchwood staff to the second floor boardroom immediately."

The announcement sounds once, over the PA system, and a second time over the comms. Gwen isn't going to wait for people to check their journals - there's really not enough time for that right now.

She and Sam are in the second-floor boardroom right now - Gwen is not even going to ask about the whiteboard covered in random drawings, as she's somewhat more preoccupied by the note Jack left in the journals. Sam and Gwen are seated at the head of the table, at the far side from the door, going over the dossier Jack gave them. Nothing there is particularly encouraging, especially the part about weapons not working against them.

Still, they can't very well do nothing, and Torchwood seems to be the group best prepared to deal with the unkillable metal alien. Worst comes to worst... they stall it long enough for someone to find a way to disable it, for someone to contact the Doctor, something. Oh, and there's the part where they could all die.

Sam, privately, in some distant corner of his mind not immediately occupied with thinking of ways to combat Daleks - the way Jack writes about them, "running in circles around them" and "pushing them out of windows" are not high on the list of things that might actually work - is weighing the chances of this being directly related to A) the Doctor's absence or B) the fact that he stepped outside some time in the past week.

((OOC: This is the coup. I repeat, this is the coup. Anyone who wants to be in the Kashtta when it happens can tag in here, and then there will be a thread o' doom for the actual lockdown and... stuff. Anyone who'd rather not be involved, we'll assume your characters are not in the Kashtta at the time and leave you be. ^^))

mat wallace, toshiko sato, owen harper, juliet burke, captain jack harkness, ianto jones, marshall flinkman, sam tyler, hk-47, gwen cooper, daniel jackson, gene hunt

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