Now he's guilt-stricken, sobbing with his head on the floor...

Jul 13, 2008 02:03

It's been quite a while since Cole heard Rose was gone, and only now is he resurfacing from his room in the Conrad. He's out taking a walk in Grant Park, breathing the fresh air and trying to make himself feel like there is a reason to not just throw himself back into the Rift. All his friends are gone, he knows no one here and next week is his mom's birthday. Not that she's here to 'celebrate', not that they did anything anyway.

He's scared. He's alone and scared of what's going to happen next. His head is killing him, and he puts it between his knees as he sits down on a bench. Company would be good right now, really.

Comparitively, Gladys is in a GREAT mood, tootling around the kitchen making brownies (she thought she'd toss it up a bit.) She intends to create a Brownie Tower and leave it in the hotel lobby for anyone who wanted one. She's in surprisingly high spirits- must be the lack of massive disaster over the past couple of days.

Feel welcome to wander into the kitchen and marvel at the beginnings of the tower. Careful, though. She might put you to work.

gladys, aubrey ringland, cole anderson

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