A Day of Death in The News

Jun 18, 2008 20:14

If anyone happens to be paying attention to the news tonight, they are in for quite a story.

"Our top story tonight, a rash of violent, quite strange, and so far unexplained deaths have taken place across the city right under our noses." Rick West puts on his serious (but equally charming and loveable) face. "Four bodies were discovered yesterday in different parts of the city. Police are still investigating as to the circumstances of these murders, but so far no significant conclusions have been made. They are fairly certain that the deaths did not all take place today."

He shuffles his papers on his desk and leans forward on his elbows, because he learned in Newscaster school this occasionally helps one connect more with the audience. And Rick West will do what it takes for Chicago to love him almost as much as he loves himself.

"So far none of the bodies have been identified and the police are working diligently on gathering what information they can, already short staffed across the city. Budget cuts at an all tiem high. One body was found in what had been taken for an abandoned warehouse. This victim seems to have been attacked by some kind of rabid animal. They haven't identified just what kind of animal yet. Experts are being brought in to examine the long, claw marks that seem... to be able to cut through metal." Rick forces back a face as the How is this relevant thought crosses his mind. He should be allowed to run the whole news. "If anyone has seen any large, wild animals or claw marks, please, call into the local authorities immediately. Do not engage. It is not your friend."

"The next body could be identified as a male, but little else was recognizable about his features. His face and body were heavily mutilated, but they are currently working on getting a dental record to identify the man. The police are searching for any and all information, but so far have been able to find very little information as to his identity or the identity of his murderer.."

"By the pier, a young girl with red hair was shot down, apparently by sniper who operated from a fair distance. No word yet as to the motive, but a sketch has been provided of the girl." The camera switches from Rick's face to a sketch of Lina and then back to Rick. "If you know any information as to the identity of the girl or if you saw any suspicious activity within five blocks of the pier, please, contact the local authorities."

"And finally, in an alley near the Starbucks on Lincoln Street a young boy was shot and killed. His body was found by the coffee shop owner the next day. No sign of a weapon, a motive, or of the murderer. If you recognize the boy in the following sketch or have any information about potential suspicious activity in the area last night. Again, contact the authorities."

Rick sits back, flashes a smile, again (now that the serious is over), and nods to the television audience.

"Although times may seem dark in the city of Chicago, you can always trust Action News 6 to bring you the truth. We'll stick with you, Chicago, you can always count on us until the end. And now to Gina with our weather forecast. Hope we're going to be looking forward to some blue skies and bright sunshine, me and the wife want to hit up the pool. Gina, what can you tell us?"

sonja caplan, neil o'connell, wolverine, kate hunt, lina inverse

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