There's always room for one less...

Jun 14, 2008 12:46

The general atmosphere of the Conrad Hotel basement still isn't at its best, all things considered. Despite the looming threat of Romana waking up and possibly smiting everyone who isn't one of her angels, there are people around. Doin' Stuff.

Marshall Flinkman has staked out a little corner of the common room and jacked a table that is now filled ( Read more... )

sonja caplan, julian sark, amarantha shepard, juliet burke, marshall flinkman, lavendar, harry dresden, missy ashford, doc brown

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swingsetheart June 14 2008, 19:31:31 UTC
Lavendar has always been one for exploring, even places she's familiar with. It's a way to get her mind off of things, a way for her to just let go and have fun. She's managed her way into the common room today, looking under tables, chairs... everything. It all has a story to tell in her mind, and by looking to see what was about? That was the best way of doing so!

Well, then she spots the fellow in the corner, constructing.. something. Her wings are out (they're small, childlike, cream colored and irresistibly fuzzy) and she approaches with great curiosity.

"What'cha makin'?" A big smile.


akablackkitty June 14 2008, 19:45:09 UTC
Despite not really being aware of his surroundings, it's not entirely jolting to hear someone speaking to him randomly. He's used to it and so, at first, he doesn't look up.

"Well, I'm trying to see if I can make a tracking device out of this necklace, using spare parts. It's a bit clumsy, but it might work with about a radius of, oh, twenty or so miles." He nods to the aforementioned necklace lying in front of him as he continues to tinker with it with a couple of finely delicate tools- really, it's best not to ask how he finds these things. It's just a piece of cheap gold costume jewelery with a heart-shaped locket, which is now laying open with the skeleton of what looks like a tiny microchip inside it where a picture might be otherwise. "Theoretically, this would be much easier if I had access to equipment much more refined than what I have, so this is about like hacking into a bank with a plastic whistle, but I make do with what I can ( ... )


swingsetheart June 14 2008, 19:56:11 UTC
Lavendar listens with great interest, even though half of the words he is saying she doesn't quite understand. Whatever he's doing, though, does seem pretty complex.

Either way, it's something she's never seen before, and that's enough to keep her interest. Giggling, she shakes her head and wrinkles her nose, "Nope, sorry. But it seems kinda hard."

Nodding to emphasize her point, she leans her elbows on the table, wings giving an absent flutter as she examines his work. "It looks cool though."

She smiles up at him, seemingly oblivious to the awkward in his own smile. But that's just Lavendar. She's always smiling, always curious and wondering. And she especially loves meeting new people! And New People with neat hobbies are even more interesting.


akablackkitty June 14 2008, 20:27:34 UTC
For a normal person? It'd be downright impossible, but for Marshall... Well, let's just say that Marshall typically doesn't get that normal people's brains don't typically work like his does.

"Not really, no. Well, not for me anyway, but I'm sort of a genius. Well, not sort of, by any means." From anyone else, that would be an arrogant statement, but from Marshall it's kinda adorable. "Uh... Anyway. Even still, it's harder than normal, but... I like a challenge!"

The awkward smile vanishes, because Marshall does tend to love to prattle on about his gadgets and there's nothing awkward about that at all. "It's very cool. This is what I used to do for a living, you know, before I fell through the Rift. Although I guess I could do it for Torchwood too if I ever got the equipment."

He pauses. "I'm Marshall, by the way."

Yes, Marshall, introducing yourself to people before you ramble at them is generally a good idea.


swingsetheart June 15 2008, 05:11:28 UTC
"A genius?" Lavendar only giggles. Even if he had been acting arrogant, she would've laughed either way. She doesn't quite pick up on that sort of thing. "But if you're a genius 'n' all, is anything a challenge?" She grins up at him

Looking back to what he was constructing, she nods as he speaks. These things were almost like something you could see in a movie! "It's your job? Now that's cool."

A big, wide grin, "I'm Lavendar. It's nice to meet'cha." And she'll offer out her hand.


akablackkitty June 15 2008, 15:19:00 UTC
"Some things!" He says, rather gleefully. Hey, challenges are awesome. "There are some things I actually can't get my head around as well as other things, but I just work at it and bit harder and usually I get it. Like that little train- you know the little train? 'I think I can, I think I can' and all that? Yeah, I'm like." And this entire speech is accompanied by random flaily hand gestures. Oh Marshall.

"Yeah! Like, you know, James Bond or someth- Well, not James Bond, specifically. More like Q because he was the gadget guy, but between you and me? He's got nothin' on me and I mean that in a completely not-arrogant way."

He takes her hand and shakes it. "Nice to meet you too, Lavendar." He noticed the wings before, but now he finally points them out. "Your wings are beautiful. So you're an angel, right? I mean... Clearly, you're an angel, but... You know."


swingsetheart June 15 2008, 22:19:22 UTC
Lavendar just listens to him with great enthusiasm before she giggles a little. "So you're even better than James Bond?" She looks at him expectantly, "You must be very good, then. I hear he's the best of the best!" A silly grin.

It's odd, but she likes the way this guy just talks-- doesn't really think about what he's saying, per se, but just goes. She's always been that sort of a person as well.

Shaking his hand in return, one of her wings folds over her shoulder enough to brush is hand, "I am, yep!" A proud smile, "And thank you. Not big enough for me to fly or anythin', though." She pouts a little, only to return to the smiling, silly angel she is moments after. "Children's Angel, even. I bet you came through the rift, right?"


akablackkitty June 16 2008, 01:35:01 UTC
He grins back, equally silly, because his grins typically aren't anything but and shrugs a little. "I'm pretty impressive. Very impressive... Yeah, I'd say I was the best where I come from."

Awww. Someone who'll let him ramble incessantly and not cut him off. Just what Marshall's always wanted... Or not, because sometimes the narration wonders if Marshall would forget to breathe if someone didn't cut him off.

"Yeah, I did," he grins a little more when her wing brushes his hand- it's soft. "I'd like to say I've had weirder experiences, but... No. Not really."

Rambaldi ain't got shit on no Rift, yo.


swingsetheart June 17 2008, 02:24:51 UTC
Lavendar just giggles at him again and her wings give a flutter. "Then I bet it's good I'm friends with you then, huh?" She teases, resting her chin on her arms and just looking at the assorted parts on the table.

"Mhm, I knows lot'sa people who came through the rift." Her voice quiets just slightly when she says this, but she's quick to perk back up.

She shifts about to get a bit more comfortable before poking at some of the things he's gathered, "So what are you makin'? It's awfully small."

Wrinkling her nose, she leans up to look at the locket, eyes wide and curious.


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