Daniel hasn't known Jack for very long, but after hearing about what happened in the lobby, he can't let Jack leave without at least saying goodbye. He's a leader too. He knows why this has to happen. But that never makes it any easier.
So here he stands, watching from the doorway, not entirely sure what to say.
Jack glances back over his shoulder, catching Daniel in the doorway and giving him a vague at ease wave, not that he knows why. They're already stood down, and even if they weren't, he's not Jackson's commanding officer. Not anymore.
"Haven't decided yet," he says, with barely more flippancy than he feels. He just can't spare the effort to act, right now. "Probably somewhere in the city. Not much chance I'll be able to reverse the Rift on my own, but as far as I know, it's the only way back to my universe. I can't just walk away from it."
As for what happens when Romana mobilizes her angels to hunt him down, which she might well do... that's another question. Another problem. One he can't think about right now.
It's never a good idea to go off without a plan, without backup, and Daniel doesn't like it. He doesn't know why, but he trusts Jack, more than most people he's known throughout his entire life. The only thing stopping him from volunteering to go too is knowing that it might tip the balance too far, upset Jack's attempt to stabilize the situation. Daniel knows he would never accept that, not with lives at stake.
"This isn't over," he says quietly. "I'll play the part, try not to start more ripples in the pond, but if you need backup for anything, I'm there."
Jack meets his eyes. He doesn't smile - nothing about the situation is happy - but there's a shared recognition. There's something about being career military (or close enough to same) that civilians don't get, can't match, and the promise means a hell of a lot, coming from him.
"I appreciate that," he says. It won't be necessary. "...advise Gwen. While I'm gone. She's got a good instinct for command, but no formal training."
It stands in for all the things he can't say. Look after my people. They need someone to watch over them more than I do.
Message received and understood, Jack. Loud and clear. It's not going to be easy, but when has it ever been? It won't be the same, but he'll do his duty to the best of his ability, waiting for their commander's return. Even if it never comes to pass.
Daniel salutes, not caring that Jack is not formally his commanding officer anymore. Titles are easily broken. Loyalty, not so much. I'll keep them ready for you. Don't go too far.
Jack snaps into an answering salute. Pressures of necessity be damned. In a way, he'll never leave Torchwood, even if the only people to know that are himself and some few of his team.
So here he stands, watching from the doorway, not entirely sure what to say.
"Where will you go?" he asks finally.
"Haven't decided yet," he says, with barely more flippancy than he feels. He just can't spare the effort to act, right now. "Probably somewhere in the city. Not much chance I'll be able to reverse the Rift on my own, but as far as I know, it's the only way back to my universe. I can't just walk away from it."
As for what happens when Romana mobilizes her angels to hunt him down, which she might well do... that's another question. Another problem. One he can't think about right now.
"This isn't over," he says quietly. "I'll play the part, try not to start more ripples in the pond, but if you need backup for anything, I'm there."
"I appreciate that," he says. It won't be necessary. "...advise Gwen. While I'm gone. She's got a good instinct for command, but no formal training."
It stands in for all the things he can't say. Look after my people. They need someone to watch over them more than I do.
Daniel salutes, not caring that Jack is not formally his commanding officer anymore. Titles are easily broken. Loyalty, not so much. I'll keep them ready for you. Don't go too far.
"General. It's been an honor."
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