And he can see the turn of the universe...

May 30, 2008 20:52

The Doctor has finally left Martha's side - with many, many assurances that he's coming back. He just... needs to get out, needs to get some air, needs to wander a bit. For some reason, whenever he's out, he tends to gravitate to the pier. Which, considering he was stabbed the first time he wandered out there, is a bit of a mystery.

Best not to question the Doctor's motives though. You'll rarely get a sensible answer, if ever.

He's wandering out to the edge of it, hands jammed in his pockets, eyes fixed on the water. The sky's full of storm clouds, but it hasn't started raining yet, and it's still warm out. The threat of storms is not likely to chase him inside just yet.

Back in the Conrad, various people are scattered here and there.

Tosh is in the cells, attempting to set up several levels of security on one cell in particular. She wouldn't mind a little company - it's not going to distract her.

Sam is in the cafeteria with a cup of tea, feeling distinctly unfocused and not liking it one bit. Anyone who approaches him is likely to be asked to lie to him. Don't ask, it's a thing.

And there's a blonde demon with a cocker spaniel in the common room, sitting on the floor and playing tug of war with it. The puppy is growling in a good-natured sort of way. Don't worry, he doesn't bite. Neither does Annie. At least, not in this shape.

marshall flinkman, sam tyler, toshiko sato, the doctor (ten), annie hunt, april, aubrey ringland

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