I don't even know what a tea cozy is, but I want one.

May 21, 2008 13:55

Most people would prefer being in a strip mall - even one under construction - to being in a cemetery on a Hellmouth in the middle of the night. Most people would actually be grateful to find themselves in a strip mall after that, considering the whole "vampire about to rise" thing going on in the cemetery.

Buffy, however, is not one of those people.

She was pacing. Pacing and waiting. Pacing while waiting. And in there somewhere, trying to work out some sort of class schedule. It's a productive evening.

"'Introduction to the Modern Novel'? I'm-" She stops as she realizes it's suddenly quite a bit brighter than it was before. Definitely brighter. And colder - so not southern California in late summer. Also, not a cemetery. The lack of tombstones and mausoleums gives it away.


No. No Willow. And here she is, standing in a strange place without any weapons on her. This is fun. "I guess this is the official end of summer, then." Because summers in Sunnydale aren't ended by changing leaves or anything of the sort, no. The end of summer is when the quiet goes away and weird, Hellmouthy things start happening again. This definitely counts as both weird and Hellmouthy.

She takes a few cautious steps, looking around with a frown. You'd think that if someone decided to magically kidnap the Slayer, they'd... you know, actually be present in the place they abducted her to. Or that there'd at least be some sort of booby trap or something, instead of just... a strip mall. It's all pretty innocuous, which is suspicious in and of itself.

Of course, a few steps more and she runs into an invisible wall, which is a lot less innocuous. Buffy steps back, frowning. Reaches out to prod the wall uncertainly with one hand, and then notices the spray-painted circle on the ground. Magic. Great.

"You know, these things really stop being funny after high school!" she calls out, to no one in particular - but she's sure there's someone watching. Or listening. There has to be. "...Hello?"

harry dresden, amarantha shepard, buffy summers

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