
May 21, 2008 18:01

It appears that several people (well, a person) are very glad to be back in the basement and one person is very glad to have snuck out of it...

And one person is nowhere near the basement or The Conrad.

Jet is in the cafeteria, holding a cup of coffee and enjoying a very satisfied expression ( Read more... )

aria blake, jet, amarantha shepard, juni swan, aubrey ringland

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thecellsiam May 22 2008, 04:58:02 UTC
Aubrey's wandered into the caf for no particular reason -- xe's not particularly hungry, just kind of bored. So when xe sees a familiar face, xe walks up and plops down in a seat next to Jet.

"'ey, Kitty, how's it goin'?" xe asks, matching her grin.


justjet May 22 2008, 16:22:13 UTC
Jet looks at Aubrey and Beams, even ignoring the nickname for the sake of it.

She gets attached fast, gets quite committed to things fast... And so she's been worrying about Aubrey along with most of the other people kept downstairs in the basement.

She could almost be called big hearted.

"Fine, a little boring up there... Did you get ill? I didn't see you..." She isn't babbling... yet, it's only a matter of time.


thecellsiam May 22 2008, 23:18:21 UTC
Aubrey shrugs, and nods. "Yeah, a little." If by a little xe means laid out for a few days. Then again, that's a lot better than most people. "Had a cough, slept a bit, the like. I was at the SeraClinic." Xe leans in conspiratorily. "I wasn't exactly supposed to leave," xe says with a smirk. Not that xe's really been doing anything completely legally since xe got here anyway.

"What about you? Plague o' Doomed Up, or no?" Xe's still grinning, though it's less face-eating now. Xe's pretty glad to see Jet xemself.


justjet May 23 2008, 16:28:02 UTC
"Well... You wanted to leave, everybody else was getting ill too... Why not leave?" And that is Jet's foremost philosophy... Well not that as such more doing exactly what she wants and never letting anybody stop her.

It causes a lot of trouble.

But instead of starting a long debate into that particular area Jet's smile becomes even brighter as she shakes her head "nah, I've been upstairs, completely healthy... and Now I'm so glad to be back down here."


thecellsiam May 26 2008, 03:21:11 UTC
"Well, I meant at the clinic -- the doctors didn't expressly say I was released. But y'know, I was just taking up a bed and I've apparently got enough Company Drugs in my system that I was fighting it just fine. So I escaped." Aubrey smirks. Xe's never let someone keep xem somewhere xe didn't want to be either.

"Good to hear you've been okay, though!" xe says. "I'm glad you're back. Now we can have all kinds of Nefarious Adventures! I was getting mighty bored down here alone with all the angels I didn't know." Xe's kind of lying; xe wasn't much more bored than xe normally is, but now xe's got a Partner In Crime again.

[OOC: Sorry for the looong delay; was out of town. ><]


justjet May 26 2008, 13:37:50 UTC
"Well at least you're back here now, everybody is and it's wonderful" Jet shrugs, still smiling happily.

It's just been one of those... years, falling through the rift, getting locked out of The Conrad, other people having the plague... None of it has been anywhere approaching fun for Jet... Well except being in a whole different universe but that's just Jet being... Jet.

But now things are finally looking up.

"Awesome! Angels are such... Well some of them are nice but a lot of them are..." Jet makes a face that could mean either not very nice or crazier than a good portion of the known universe "So what shall we do first then?"

(OOC: Okie, no worries ^^)


thecellsiam May 26 2008, 18:20:46 UTC
Aubrey laughs at the face and automatically makes one in return, nodding. "I haven't actually met any angels yet, but the ones I've seen around down here seemed worth avoiding, really," xe says.

Xe shrugs. "I've got...well, one singular videogame but no system, so that doesn't help. And some spray paint." Xe makes a mischievious face at her. "Or we could, I don't know, capture some people and go out."


justjet May 27 2008, 11:10:51 UTC
Jet nods in sympathy and then really can't help the stunning grin from exploding across her face at even the slightest possibility f going outside and having fun.

Still, she should at least try "Well there is a murderer out..." Jet pouts for a second and then her grin goes up a notch on the dazzling front "so, when shall we go then?"

She isn't all that good at the trying.

(OOC: Sorry for the delay! My internet connection went off)


thecellsiam May 28 2008, 03:57:55 UTC
Aubrey chuckles a bit at the grin, though the reminder of the murderer does make xem falter. Xe's not a coward, just...has a healthy sense of self-preservation.

After a moment xe shrugs it off, though, and leans on the table. "I dunno. Can't say I've been to too many clubs around here." What with the whole avoiding-people thing. "I did slip into a bar a couple times before, but I'm not sure it's the best place for a Night on the Town and all."


justjet May 28 2008, 17:50:48 UTC
Don't worry Aubrey! You have a Jet to protect you...

On second thoughts worry, and scream, and possibly lock yourself in a deep dungeon which Jet can't get into without several severe burns which would actually lead to death for her now.

Yeah, it's that bad.

"Well" Jet wrinkles her nose and also leans forward a little more "I'm sure we can find somewhere, if worse comes to worse we can "picnic" in the park" yes, she actually does the finger quotes, adn she actually means them too.

This narration is not sure if she wants to know what Jet's idea of picnicking is, she has the feeling that.. Yes.


thecellsiam May 28 2008, 19:52:45 UTC
Aubrey gives Jet a dubious look at the scare quotes, mostly because xe's confused. Xe's not exactly used to being hit on, after all, and often isn't aware that's what's going on.

But the idea of a picnic sounds interesting, to say the least, and xe's never actually been to the park yet (surprisingly, given how little time xe spends actually in the hotel), so xe perks right back up. "I like picnics!" Xe pauses. "I think. I mean, I'm not sure all the picnics I've had before counted as Real Picnics. Since um, it was hard to eat food outside where I lived, what with the gasses and stuff," xe says, waving xes hand in the air vaguely to, apparently, mime gas floating about. Xe could be more specific, but that would mean thinking about home, and xe doesn't like doing that.


justjet May 28 2008, 20:36:05 UTC
Don't worry Aubrey... Jet hits on everybody, it's in her nature as one of the biggest flirts around...

Actually, it's another thing to be worried about.

"My earth had no gases... Well it did but they were nice and discreet and tried not to kill people" Jet frowns for a second and then shrugs, her smile restoring itself to brightness "anyway, I'm sure it's fairly safe around here too... Safety in numbers, right? So, do we bring food or do we just chase squirrels?"

And she's serious about the chasing squirrels part too.


thecellsiam May 28 2008, 20:52:31 UTC
"Safety In Numbers, indeed!" Aubrey replies, grinning. It's easy to be confident when one's with friends and still in the Safe Underground -- xe'll save the Running the Fuck Away If Necessary part for later. "And I vote both chasing squirrels and eating food. Though what we'd do with the squirrels is beyond me."

Xe's really just a big kid at heart, despite being nearly a quarter of a century old. Acting like an adults is for...well, adults. Xe only does it on rare occasions.


justjet May 28 2008, 21:25:53 UTC
"The little rodents just deser... Anyway!" Jet grins, it's a very bright please-disregard-the-last-part-of-that-sentence-or-risk-something-scary kind of grin which really shouldn't be examined too closely on pain of... Well, something scary apparently.

Like that's new, it's The Conrad.

"It'll be fun at least, food and squirrels... Best recipe for fun!" And possible disaster, but that's just a given when Jet's around.

Who is still just a big kid after about twenty centuries, a mischievous kid at that.

Jet's universe is probably celebrating her removal from affairs at this very moment.


thecellsiam May 28 2008, 21:51:04 UTC
Aubrey snrks at her aborted first comment, and grins again. "Great! Though hopefully we won't be eating the squirrels as food." Xe wrinkles xes nose to show xe's only joking. "When should we go?"

It's not as if xe has anything pressing to be doing, really. Despite being a Mischievious Kid At Heart, xe's been quite bored and rather sedentary lately.


justjet May 28 2008, 23:01:12 UTC
Jet wrinkles her nose back in a way that she hopes conveys that the thought of eating squirrels fills her with a mild kind of disgust... No really, it does... Except she is a cat in all senses but having a human body and squirrels...

Let's not go into that.

"I dunno" she says instead to cover all thoughts of eating squirrels "we could plan and stuff and get people on our side... Or if it's just us we could go now."

Jet's been fairly bored too, relieved to be back but still bored and really it's hardly like she has anything else to do.


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