(no subject)

May 05, 2008 11:25

Liz Has had enough, again.

The basement is starting to get stuffy... and despite never having been a country girl she still hasn't been inside this long for ages.

It's starting to get on her nerves.

So if anybody had the inclination to go into the lobby they would see a Liz leaning against the wall with a panic button thrown almost sulkily around her neck.

It appears that she has decided that no matter what she feels about Torchwood and their organisation skills proving a point by getting kidnapped is not high on her list of things to do.

Jet usually never misses her universe.

As far as she's concerned stepping into this world was the best thing that ever happened to her and being gone from the often tyranny of the authority is a godsend.

But Occasionally Jet gets to missing some of her old universe.

She's in that mood today, curled up in a corner of the Common Room and looking thoroughly miserable.

She'd kill for a distraction.

jet, liz shaw

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