Title: Living Dead Author: beyondtheremix Theme: 010 Dead Tree (Dir en Grey) Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Tora/Hiroto Bands[s]: Alice Nine Disclaimer: AU, steam punkish Comments: Goes along with this song and its lyrics.
Maybe you can convince me into writing a prequel in my spare time! LOL or you can write it XD Right now there's so much school work to do @_@
Hmmmmmm, in my mind I just kept to imagining them youngish lol maybe 30-40s tops idk, but the stress of everything kind of wore them both down. It's good to know you read and reread it ;_; I think it makes more sense the more it's read because somehow... whatever strange writing possessed mood I was in inserted all these tiny hints and details without saying it outright XD TRICKY! And symbols, repeats and flashbacks. It was strangely complicated and I didn't even realize it until after everyone commented D: I just kind of posted because I didn't know what else to do to fix it *sweats*
And NO I don't mind your rambling *rambles with you* COMMENT IS LOVE<333 LOL Thank you for reading even if it made you cry ;_; a lot of times I just try to write out emotions I am or have been trying to deal with and sometimes some are stronger than others.
Sounds goooooooooooooood!
Maybe you can convince me into writing a prequel in my spare time! LOL or you can write it XD Right now there's so much school work to do @_@
Hmmmmmm, in my mind I just kept to imagining them youngish lol maybe 30-40s tops idk, but the stress of everything kind of wore them both down. It's good to know you read and reread it ;_; I think it makes more sense the more it's read because somehow... whatever strange writing possessed mood I was in inserted all these tiny hints and details without saying it outright XD TRICKY! And symbols, repeats and flashbacks. It was strangely complicated and I didn't even realize it until after everyone commented D: I just kind of posted because I didn't know what else to do to fix it *sweats*
And NO I don't mind your rambling *rambles with you* COMMENT IS LOVE<333 LOL Thank you for reading even if it made you cry ;_; a lot of times I just try to write out emotions I am or have been trying to deal with and sometimes some are stronger than others.
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