Category: Saiunkoku Monogatari
Title: Manjuu Magic
Genre: Humor/Romance
Rating: Fiction Rated: T
Summary: The Precepts have given young Emperor Ryuuki a special challenge: Prove to his people he can lead them and provide for them like a father...and he's to make extensive use of Consort Kou! Ryuuki rises to the challengewith the manjuu of love!
URL: I finally did it! All chaps are reviewed, and even uploaded/edited to so they just need to be 'attributed' to the story itself on a weekly basis.
I finally achieved one of my goals: a story that's written, in it's entirety, that I can upload on a regularly scheduled basis.
(So it's official--I'll be able to update with 'new' material every week for the next month and a half... It'll be new to, anyway...) ^_~
Now, time for bed! XD