Progress, general

May 21, 2007 22:37

Between 18-20 pages written (by hand) for GP2 tonight. Not bad. Just a little bit left of what I *want* to get across in the chap, then I'll type it up and see if I can edit it & send it out to my wonderful betas, K & S_G (both very honest--I'm so lucky!). If I'm *really* lucky, by this coming weekend. If not, well, next best thing. XD I'm not sure how much that'll come to typed.

12-14 pages of beta-ing done for S_G yesterday; and TLF currently sits around 21 pages. I guess something I *should* qualify here is that I'm trying to write out most of this story (at least the first part of it--it is two parts, as I see it right now) before I start posting it chapter by chapter, that way things flow a bit smoother. I haven't done this before, so we'll see how long it takes me-- or if I really have the patience for it. :)  (Patience is one of those things I'm working hard on improving at the moment.) I'm hoping that if I can write *most*, if not all of it out first, then I can finally make Regularly Scheduled Posts with it when I'm relatively happy with it. I'm hoping I can get myself into more of a schedule, since this writeasmuchasyoucan, youhavefivefreeminutes!-itis is not so great for me. ^^;

There's more to be edited... but for a week/weekend, that isn't too bad. ^^;

Hope everyone's had a great weekend (it was a long weekend for us here in Canada--hence why I had most of an evening to myself to write! booyah!), and if you're heading to Anime North next weekend, see ya there. ^_~

gp2, tlf, progress, rough draft, general, avatar, fanfic

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