NARUTO: Feb 5, 2017 - Arranged Marriage - ObiSaku - Kekkei Genkai - Moukuton and Sharingan

Oct 20, 2021 18:42

 I recently (... this year....?) received a request for an Obito/Sakura fic. I racked my brain assuming I'd never written them before (which is kind of astounding considering I've written Fugaku/Sakura... multiple times!). Lo and behold, I found this draft of a Smut Monday fic from 2017, 4.5 years ago. And it's an ObiSaku. The hidden wonders of my G-drive and faulty memory will never cease to amaze me.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy! It's incomplete (unfortunately, sorry), but it's something for 'WIP Wednesday'. :)

FYI: If there are any ObiSaku fans out there who'd like to collab on this (read: give me ideas/enable me), please let me know! I like the setup for this fic, though it's a bit dark.

Pairing: Obito/Sakura
Rating: Definitely M
Words: 1,000 (approx)
Squick warning: darker!fic, prisoner!Obito, prisoner!Sakura (in a way), arranged marriage/marriage law, age gap, breeding kink maybe?

Sakura glared at the heavily scarred former ninja across the table, swallowing hard.

“Do you accept,” asked Danzou smugly.

His hands folded together atop the surface of the table, the man smirked at the firm line Sakura’s brow drew and the tightness of her jaw.

Her lips refused to form the words so she forced herself to nod.

“Good.” His jagged, graying teeth leered through his cracked lips as he smirked.


The cell door far below the surface groaned and screeched as the ROOT operative dragged it open. He-or she, as ROOT operatives were nearly sexless-turned to look at Sakura and she understood that the agent would not follow her into the cell itself.

“The papers-”

“Were already signed. There was no need for a ceremony,” said the ROOT op.

Sakura peered into the darkened cell. She had signed her half of the papers first, completely unsure which prisoner she had been assigned. Danzou arranged it that way on purpose, to keep her in the dark and off-balance until the very last minute. A controlling bastard to the last, that traitor. But with them wedded, at least any progeny resulting from the arranged marriage would be a lawful citizen of Konoha.

Her stomach clenched; could she really do this?

“One with a strong kekkei genkai. We cannot afford to lose the opportunity to ensure its continuance in the Village.”

“Who-” she began, but he waved her away, turning his back to her.

“Ensure all forms of contraception are metabolised from your system within forty eight hours and proceed to the maximum security detention center,” said Danzou, his low, rumbly voice resonating with consequence.

Sakura had bitten her tongue to keep from making demands.

She prayed her Shishou would be found soon. Sakura couldn’t keep pretending her fealty was true when she was forced into situations like these.

With measured, confident steps she entered the dark cell.

Behind her the door slammed shut with a high-pitched grinding of rusted metal hinges, sealing her off from the rest of the prison and leaving naught but an echo behind.

Her heart sped up in her chest but Sakura lifted her chin and proceeded into the cell.

Silence dominated the damp cell once the echo faded. The air was heavy with moisture and she wondered at the physical state of any prisoner left in such conditions.

There was a whisper of sound from her left and she tensed.

“So it’s you,” came the low, velvety male voice. It seemed vaguely familiar but she couldn’t place it yet.

It was too dark to make out his features, but her eyes were adjusting to the low light and she could make out a vague form standing against a wall towards the rear of the room.

She nodded. “Yes. Were you… briefed?”

The hesitation in her voice made her wince internally. She was supposed to be in charge of the proceedings. She was the free one, wasn’t she?


She waited, but he provided no further comment.

Together for the first time, Sakura wasn’t sure what she’d expected from their first interaction. This man, this stranger, was her ‘husband’-on paper at any rate. Now they were left to consummate their paper marriage until she carried to term a child that yielded his kekkei genkai. She honestly wasn’t sure what was worse; enhancing her fertility to ensure she conceived on the first attempt, or delaying the possibility of conception but being forced to return repeatedly until it happened.

She took a breath and walked further into the darkness.

“I…” Her voice trailed off.

‘I’m sorry’. ‘I know this is rape’. ‘Even if you’re a criminal, you don’t deserve this’. ‘I honestly don’t want this’. None of them really grasped the enormity of their degrading situation, or would help either of them. They wouldn’t break the ice. They wouldn’t ease their fears or uncertainties, hers at least.

“Are you untouched?”

His words and tone were almost gentlemanly. He sounded older than her, perhaps by a decade or so, but not ancient by any means. It was with some relief that she realised she would not be forced to be intimate with a geriatric prisoner of war. Her shoulder blades shook off their mild shiver as she relaxed. Of course, if he was only a bit older than herself, he was also possibly in very good physical shape and thus a potential threat to her wellbeing. He was, after all, housed in the deepest recesses in Konoha’s maximum security prison,

“I’m not a virgin,” she answered, clearing her throat. “Are you?”

She heard his faint snort, and it conveyed genuine, if dark, amusement.

“I’m not that ugly,” he said.

“That’s a relief. It was so dark I was worried the ROOT op was trying to spare us both,” Sakura said. “I’m Haruno Sakur-”

“I know who you are.”

Sakura’s advance through the cell had brought her nearly to the prisoner-her husband. She paused at the tension in his voice. The first prickle of fear raised the hair on her arms and tightened her shoulder blades.

“Have we met?” she asked, loosening her arms at her sides. Just in case.

There was a soft scoff from under the shinobi’s breath, and she felt the currents of air around her move as he stepped closer to her. When his warmth was within arm’s reach he stopped, leaning over her.

He’s tall, she realized.

“You don’t remember me?” he asked.

Sakura bit down on her tongue which reached out to wet her lips. His voice was so familiar…

“I’m-your voice is so familiar-but-”

He let out a breath that fanned over her left shoulder. “It will come to you,” he said.

There was a short pause before Sakura felt him reach out and pat her arm before taking her hand.

“The bed is here,” he said.

The thin covers rustled as he drew them back, and Sakura nodded. She wasn’t sure what he could see of her in the dark, as she could barely make out where he was, but her legs bumped against the metal frame before she sank down onto the worn pallet that masqueraded as his mattress.


arranged marriage, fandom: naruto, fanfic, pairing: obito x sakura

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