Wannabe WIP (aka: future plans)

Aug 29, 2021 17:53

As in, beyond the fanfic WIP that currently haunt me (i.e., the ones I just posted snippets/unofficial updates to, and the ones already in progress on AO3).

- An Obito/Sakura (which has been circling around in my brain recently)
- A continuation of "M'Lady" (which would feature Sasuke)
- A Pein/Saku (still considering how this one would work, and what universe to place it within)
- More ItaSaku in general TT_TT
- Another chapter of "Heavy in Your Arms" because there's one specific scene I *need* to write and get out of my system
- More KakaSaku (you have no idea how many K/S fic ideas writhe in my imagination, and it is not fair that I cannot write fanfic for a living)
- An ItaSaku slightly age-bent AU where Sakura and Itachi are friends, and younger Sasuke is jealous/has a crush on Sakura (don't ask me why this is taking up so much space in my head, the idea was cute and now it owns me)
- That goddamn Sakumo/Sakura fic that keeps getting interrupted by everything else
- More Shisui/Sakura

Maybe I will be able to write a short (HAHAHA) fic for a Smut Monday or Naruto MILF/DILF Week of one or two of these ideas...

Or win the lottery.

... winning the lottery is more likely, tbh. TT_TT

writing wish list, fanfic plans

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