Writing Again

Sep 06, 2020 00:59

 Writing is currently very rough, but I am trying to get back into it again. Please forgive me for dumping random bits here on this platform, I am worried about potentially losing them (or losing track of them) in Google Drive. I do have a spreadsheet there where I track things, but these little one-off bits & pieces sometimes just result in bursts that go nowhere. ^^; I didn't want to add to my list unless i planned a full fic around something. Due to the NSFW ban on tumblr, they can't go there, either. Ah well.

I will try and write more this weekend. I miss it. One of the kids really upset me tonight, which threw off my writing groove (and it was the first time in months I've been able to write), so I was pretty angry for a bit. We sorted things out, but I was so mad for a while. Such is life with family. Hoping for a better tomorrow.


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