Day Six: 300 words of practice (a little short!)

Nov 02, 2010 22:57

 Real Life has sprung up -- gotta go do some laundry! XD That's 2 nights of writing I need to catch up on tomorrow, plus tomorrow's writing. I'll get there! XD

In the meantime, here's where tonight's writing went. Not very far. XD


She could feel his eyes on her the entire way home, though he didn’t say a word, and she felt like sighing. Really? He’d been that upset by the evening out? She’d only been trying to have a good time…
Shuurei kept her thoughts to herself as she observed her long-time companion. When Seiran dropped a very possibly unconscious, drunken Ensei in his room and didn’t even bother to kick him across the floor, Shuurei was certain the silver-haired man was sulking. He never resisted kicking his best friend when he was down. It was some kind of strange, male, gesture of affection and camaraderie between them. Or simply some form of outright aggression. She wasn’t entirely sure.
Shuurei thought she heard a hint of a grunt - a grunt! - until she narrowed her eyes at Seiran.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, NO.
That was not acceptable at all.
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