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Jan 20, 2012 22:45


We got you a meteor.

Yep, it's disaster time again. This event is coming to you in the form of a meteor that's going to-naturally-hit Chicago right in the face. Here's the deal:

The meteor is coming through a rift. As meteors are wont to do, it will break up on entering the earth's atmosphere, so multiple pieces will fall around the city and open smaller rifts with them. The pieces that make it to the ground will be full of radioactive rift energy, which is what will trigger riftpower roulette. For those who don't know what a riftpower roulette is, it's basically what happens when the Rift experiences too much saturation, going haywire throughout the city. It's the IC reason for characters suddenly having a different Rift ability, if a mun wants to change it OOC-ly.

Though this event won't be catastrophic in that it destroys the entire city and everything in it, it will cause a lot of problems. These include, but are not limited to:
  • MONSTERS. The rifts will be open for long enough for bad things to leak through, as always. It won't be fun.
  • BUILDING DAMAGE. The main chunk is going to hit a part of the city that isn't usually inhabited by player characters. If you want to kill someone off and say they were there and got squashed to hell, that's fine with us. Smaller meteorite bits will break windows, compromise the integrity of some buildings (which can lead to collapse of the smaller buildings), damage outside areas, etc.
  • AN EARTHQUAKE. It's an impact quake, so it won't be huge and won't last long, but it will do just enough damage to further mess with buildings and scare the crap out of people. This will also lead to...
  • FIRES. Gas lines will rupture, causing fires in areas around the city.
  • POWER OUTAGES. Pretty self-explanatory.
  • TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS. Namely, the L Train, which is going to derail. You're free to have your characters on that when this goes down, because then they'll get to deal with utter chaos and entrapment, and that's always fun.
  • GENERAL CHAOS. Seriously, society isn't meant to deal with this kind of thing. Not in a city the size of Chicago. Panic, riots, looting... who knows what this might spark?
  • OTHER ASSORTED RIFT PHENOMENA. Have ideas? Is there something specific you'd like to see happen? Let us know!
The rifts that result from the broken-up meteor will be strategically placed around the city. The main areas affected will be the Kashtta, Grant Park, Navy Pier, Looney High, and the Chicago River. Those areas are the most likely to deal with the monsters and "other assorted phenomena," but pretty much every area of the city will have to deal with something, and who's to say those monsters will want to stay where they land?

Go wild, everyone, and have fun. Doom is coming, but remember that we do this because love you. Happy birthday.
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