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Even the butt of the gun felt hot in her hands, and Ashley was pretending not to see the smoke wisping up from the barrel. Since she was sixteen years old, Ashley had been holding that pistol in her hands, both in battle and on the range like she was now. It was her best friend, her must trusted companion, and a gift from her mother.
And in the second it took for John Druitt to hand it back to her, she had come to realize it was just another part of the story her mother had held back from her. He wasn't just a integral part of London's history, a serial killer that survived into modern times, he was also her father.
Now that her mother confirmed it, Ashley wanted it to be wrong. She didn't want it to be true. She didn't want John Druitt - Jack the goddamn Ripper - to be her father.
Dropping her primary weapon, Ashley's hands whipped behind her, snagging the two smaller caliber weapons at the small of her back. She fired them at the same time, body jerking with the less damaging recoil. Firing until both pistols were empty, she replaced the clips.
Down range the paper target was nothing but tatters held by two steel clips, bit of singed paper floating to the ground. Dropping the smaller guns, she turned and punched the wall. Pain flared up her arm. It was good pain, mind clearing and sharp.
"Damn you, Daddy," she snarled to no one, John Druitt likely not even in the country. "Damn you to Hell."
Always him and never her mother. There was nothing in this world that would make Ashley turn on her mother. At least she prayed that there was nothing that powerful.
Also, for the played by, we need the actresses' name that plays Ashley.
Once we hear back about those two things, feel free to join her to the community at your leisure. :)
The PB is Emilie Ullerup.
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