Apr 05, 2008 15:37
Mason went for his blood test yesterday and it was a rather traumatic experience for the both of us. Not to mention the technicians who had to draw his blood.
I don't like to see my little man in pain and he cried so hard when they started to draw his blood. Both of the technicians and I were telling him what a brave and big boy he was. I held him close and gave him kisses. Mason got so tense that the vein stopped flowing and they couldn't get it going again. So they had to stick him again.
My whole body was in knots by this point because it hurts him and he is too young to understand what is going on. I am seriously dreading the possibility that he will have to do more serious tests in the hospital.
The second time they stuck him was even worse. I started to cry because I couldn't fix it for him and both of the technicians were tearing up as well. When it was all over, they gave him band-aids and put Dora the Explorer stickers on them and also gave him a "Worlds Bravest Patient" sticker which he wore all day!
I'm really struggling with the possibility of Mason having cancer. I know its a long shot but having to go through all of the precautionary tests is incredibly hard. If I could trade places with him I would. I don't want to lose my precious baby boy. My blessing and my savior. If he goes, I have nothing.
I am starting to understand a lot more of why N was so worried to have biological children although he really doesn't know whats going on in Mason's life or that he is being tested right now. I mentioned the ultrasound to him and that it looked good but nothing further.
Like I wrote earlier, I am incredibly thankful to have him. My whole life revolves around his little one and his little life holds such a bright future and I want to watch it all happen. I want to be there to kiss his owies and teach him how to ride a bike. Go on vacations and watch his ball games. I can't wait to watch him go to school and learn or even for when he blushes when he tells me about his first crush. Graduation, I want to see that too as well as so much more.
wilms tumor,